Letter From George Willson to Sons George & Robert Willson
in Norfolk Town in Virginia. Dated August 10, 1770
Transcribed from original
Contributed by Mr. Carol McLean
April 23, 2006

Dear Sons,
Taken this opportunity to write to you, as being the first letter I have sent (since) I saw you last,
and never has received the scrape of a pen from you hence, which when I left you last I intend for you
both to come out to Pee Dee, but having since considered matters for your benefit, and I find your trade
will be of little value on Pee Dee, which after serving as long as you have and have got a good trade,
withall it would be murder to your interest to come where your trade would be of no services, and as I
am at this time under furder consideration on things for your furder advantages. I think it most proper
for you to stay where you are, as I expect your trade is of great value and you are known, and I hope so
well respected, that I hope you are not without friends, and think the best way for you both to put up a
shop of your own and put up some little hover to live in and share equally what you gain, buy your meat
and corn in time when at your lowest prices and a small matter of household goods may serve, and to answer
the same intent.
I have sent you a Negro wench, Easter, which I had a mind to send two, Easter and Sarah, but as I
live in a publick way myself could not well spare both, and as you both live together, one will serve
at present as well as both, and perhaps a while hence I can help you better and more to your services.
So, I really think it might be more to your profit to sell Easter or swap her for a good likely young
lad and take him into the shop, and learn him the trade for I promise you that Easter is not the wench
I expected she would a made much better wench. She is a grand lyar, very deceitful and will not refuse
to steal, and very unfaithful, which I think you had better turn her into a good smart young fellow,
and it will certainly be more to your profit.
As it is much thought there is or will be a French and Spanish War which certainly will be a means of
more employ for ship carpenters and black smiths as Norfolk is a place of great trade, therefore my
advice to you both is to stick to your trade as close as you can for about two or three years and try
to get what cash you can, as I am striving at this time to do something for your both in some other
parts which I expect in three years more can give you some better account, for I shall still be striving
to do all I can for you both as long as I live. Therefore, strive to make all you can by your trade and
be careful of the same when got, as it is a much better art to take care of money when got than to get
it, but still I should be better satisfied to see you both as I could tell you my mind in more satisfying
and conclude on matters much better, than by way of writing. To which I shall here appoint a place and
time, on the tenth day of November next you may expect to see me if I be alive and well, at Mr. Hooks's
on Little River. That day I shall expect to see you both, which is not over five days ride from Norfolk,
and the stages or places here to vigoris, for [I] will be here set down with the proper distances, so my
dear sons, I conclude and remain your loving father until death. Dated 10th day of August 1770. George
Willson at the Court House in Anson County on Pee Dee River.
P.S. I hope you will not fail in meeting me on the 10th day of November next at Mr. Hooks's ferry on
Little River as it will be in my power to advise and conclude with you both and all together than can
be done by way of writen. G. W.

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