Comments about James H. Chappell by Mark E. McKenzie in California
Here is some info on my Chappell relatives (brothers) who were Richmond County soldiers:

James H. Chappell enlisted as a private in the 23rd NC Infantry, Company D. (Known as the Pee Dee Guards)
and was later promoted to 2nd Lt. He was seriously wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863...
Was commander of the Pee Dee Guards at the time as he was the only officer left by the time of Gettysburg.
His brother, Parks Chappell was a member of the Pee Dee Guards also. He stayed behind on  the battle field
to nurse his wounded brother James, and was captured along with him.James spent the rest of the
war in Union prisons at Johnson Island, Ohio and Point Lookout, Virginia. Parks was released through prisoner
exchange and returned to action. He was seriously wounded and had an arm amputated at the Battle of Winchester 
in 1864. James' injuries at Gettysburg eventually led to his death almost twenty-one years later in 1884.
Mark E. McKenzie, TSgt, USAF
9 TRANS/CCT  Unit Training Manager
DSN:  368 - 2561
COMM:  530 - 634 - 2561
FAX:  2558

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