Meetings at Laurel Hill and Springfield
December 26, 1860 issue of the WEEKLY STANDARD (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Transcribed and Posted by Myrtle Bridges
January 31, 2003
One meeting at Laurel Hill, on the 7th, and another at Springfield on the 8th--The Laurel Hill meeting
resolved that the election of Lincoln is dangerous to the South and the Union; that the "personal
liberty laws" should be repealed; that cause for secession exists unless guarantees are given to
the South; that a Convention of the people of this State should be called; and that as a Christian
people prayer should be offered that God would avert impending calamities. The Observer is
assured that the people about Laurel Hill do not incline to disunion, but that they concur almost
unanimously in the views expressed by Mr. Stephens, of Georgia. The Springfield resolutions are similar
in substance and tone to those adopted at Laurel Hill. The Springfield meeting was addressed by Gen. Benj.
Trollinger, Col. C. Malloy, D. McNeill, M. D. McNeill, and L. McNeill.
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