
1842 To the Board of Superintendents of Common Schools for the County of Richmond. We, the Subscribers,
do send up this our Petition praying that you may exercise the power invested in you (by the 7th
Enactment of the Common School Law enacted in 1840/41) and so alter the District No. 21 as to
cause the boundary line to extend down the river near the south east corner of Mrs. Livingston's
plantation, from thence in a direct line until it strikes Shoe Heel Creek one quarter of a mile
below Johnson's Mill, then up the various courses of the said Shoe Heel unto the boundary line
of said District. This alteration, we consider as being very necessary. First, because those who
will be included in No. 21 by the alteration as above live so ill-convenient to the School House
in their own District that it is out of their power to reach it.
Secondly, It is utterly impossible for those who are now in No. 21 to keep a good School in
operation without the aid of those who would be added by extending the boundary as above.
Thirdly, we always have been united in keeping up a good School and feel an un-willingness to be
separated as we now are by the present boundary line, deeming the above reasons sufficient to
carry into effect the alteration which we desire.
We conclude by sincerely asking the Board of
Superintendents to take our case into consideration and grant us the request of our prayers.
John Gilchrist, John McAlester Junior, John Johnson, Hector McKay, Neill Johnson, John White,
Archibald Johnson, George Wilks, Mary Livingston, John McNeill and Archibald McFarland.

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