1856 September 13. We, Hugh Livingston, Peter Bowyer and Robert Peele, School Committee of
the Lightwood Knott District in said County, No. 7th, do certify that the following contains
the number and names of the Children in said District, as required by Act of Assembly.
Charles Livingston
| John Livingston
| Duncan Livingston
| Alexander Smith
Henry Covington
| Robert Peele Junior
| John Peele
| Jeptha Peele
Archibald Peele
| Murdock Skipper
| Nathaniel Skipper
| Alexander Skipper
Charles Barrentine
| Peter Smith
| Archibald McPherson
| James Steen
William Steen
| John G. Martin
| Cameron Smith
| Mary Peele
Martha Peele
| Sarah Peele
| Julia Peele
| Sarah Skipper
Ann Livingston
| Mary Livingston
| Martha Livingston
| Sarah Livingston
Jane Bowyer
| Isabella Bowyer
| Josophine Bowyer
| Maranda Smith
Sarah Smith
| Mary Barrentine
| Jane Williamson
| Flora McPherson
Maranda Steene
| Mary Steene
| Elizabeth Gibson

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