Fayetteville Observer, (Fayetteville, NC) Thursday, September 23, 1858

Myrtle Bridges   January 09, 2010

Letter to the Editors of the Observer, dated 
            Science Hill, Randolph County, September 18, 1858

Messrs. Editors: -A very strange occurrence happened in this neighborhood yesterday morning, so very 
strange, unfeeling and degrading to humanity that I have concluded to relate it to you. On Friday morning, 
the 17th instant A young child was found in the barn of Mr. John McDaniel, who is a very near neighbor of 
mine. His son went to the barn early in the morning to feed his horses, and when he opened the door discovered 
a strange and very unusual looking bundle lying upon a bunch of top fodder, which he had thrown in the barn 
the evening previous. He moved it with his foot, when he was astonished and frightened at hearing a noise 
resembling that of a very young child. He examined more closely and found it was a child, with the exception 
of an old woolen wrapper, almost in a state of nudity, and nearly dead from the effects of cold. I was sent 
for immediately, and when I arrived at the barn found the child in the condition I have described. Mr. McDaniel 
had it taken to his house and as soon as possible dressed in warm clothing and nourishment administered, of which 
it partook freely. It has been kindly cared for ever since it was found, and this morning appears well and hearty. 
I would suppose the child when found was not more than 24 hours old. This circumstance has produced much excitement 
in the neighborhood, and as yet nothing has transpired to throw any light upon the matter.

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©Copyright January 09, 2010 by Myrtle N. Bridges