1857 April 20. To the Chairman of the Board of Superintendents, Greetings. We,
the Citizens of Marks Creek School District No. 8, Petition of the Chairman of the
Board of Superintendents that there shall be a new School District below Marks Creek,
believing as we do, that there is a sufficient number of Scholars for a good school.
Our reasons for a new District are these. In the first place, the School house is above
Marks Creek and very inconvenient for those below, and especially so in time of freshet.
The School has not done us any good for four years past. In the second place, the distance
is too far for those in the lower end of the District would have to go round by
Freeman's Mill, which will be between 4 and 5 miles which is entirely too far for
small children to go. In as much as said Creek is so difficult or dangerous for
small children to cross at any season of the year, we request of you that the
said Marks Creek be the line or upper boundary of said new District so far as the
above named District extends up and down said Creek. We insert our names as Petitioners
[with number of children over 5 and under 21 years.]:
Stephen Gibson —5
| Nancy Parker—1
| Morgan Steen—1
Mastin Seels—3
| Alexander Norton —2
| Calaway Hodges—4
Dewey Waters—4
| Samuel Hodges—3
| Mary Leviner—4

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