WEEKLY STANDARD (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Transcribed and Posted by Myrtle Bridges
February 10, 2003
March 5, 1862 Issue:
SEWING NEEDLES-The Iredell Express gives the following item of news. The Express is good authority,
but we should like to see a paper of fine sewing needles manufactured in Wilkes County, N.C. The make
should be encouraged by the State.
The Express says:
"A blacksmith in Wilkes county has commenced the manufacture of ladies' sewing needles, and will
soon be able to supply an required quantity. The sample which we have seen is for sewing cambric and
fine linen, and to all appearance will answer every purpose, equal to the best imported, and 'warranted
not to cut in the eye.'
Sewing cotton and sewing needles are not being made in the Southern Confederacy-who will start a
button factory?"
March 12, 1862 Issue:
SUGAR.-If the war last six months longer Virginia and North Carolina especially, will be without
a pound of sugar. At present scarcely any sugar can be brought by rail road from Louisiana into
these States; what there is, has been put up by the [extortionists] at such prices, that the poor
will not be able to use it much longer. In six months, even if the Federals are driven back from
Tennessee, the railroads will have ceased running, or will be so near run down, they cannot carry
heavy freights upon them.
What is to be done? Let the people in those Counties where the sugar maple grows, prepare to
make sugar from it, and let the farmers plant the Chinese sugar cane. Perhaps it would pay, now
while it can be done, to import the sugar cane from Louisiana for planting. Florida, South Alabama
and Georgia could make sugar, and we doubt not it could be done in portions of this State.
March 12, 1862 Issue:
OUR MARKET.-If any of our country readers have on hand a surplus of market products for sale, we
advise them to bring them to Raleigh. Pork, beef, poultry, eggs, butter, or vegetables of any kind,
any thing to eat or wear-it will find a ready sale, at prices high enough to require a poor man to
get on his tip-toe and his neck to be stretched almost to snapping, to reach. Bring them along, however,
for one may as well die with the fever as with the chill.
March 26, 1862 Issue:
Lead is very scarce, and the Confederate government is anxious to obtain all that can be had, to
make cartridges. There are hundreds and thousands of houses in the country in which there are from
one to five hundred pounds of good lead in the shape of window weights, etc., which might be taken
out and made to perform a more efficient service than they are now doing. The weights can easily be
replaced with iron or something else, and the lead put to a much better use. If the people throughout
the country would act upon the suggestion, thousands and tens of thousands of pounds might be turned
over to the use of the Confederate soldiers, and the very supply thus obtained may have great influence
in determining the issue of the contest. Will each householder constitute himself a committee of one
to ascertain and report how much lead there is about his premises which he can possibly spare for the
use of the Confederacy?-Charleston Mercury.
March 26, 1862 Issue:
COTTON.-It appears that the cotton planters South with one consent are resolving not to plant but
a small portion of cotton the present year. We admire their good sense. It must be so, unless we
would add to war, "pestilence and famine." Every farmer should plant largely of corn, peas, potatoes,
beans, &c.
April 02, 1862 Issue:
CORN! CORN! CORN!-- Now is the time to prepare the largest corn crop
That ever grew on Southern soil. With the last year's cotton crop in the gin-houses and sheds, and
the certainty that a moderate crop of the "great staple" for this year will be amply sufficient to
supply all demands, it is the part of wisdom for our planters and farmers to "spread themselves" for
the biggest corn and provision crop ever made in this country. Therefore, let not a moment be lost.
Now is the time to keep the plows steadily running, turning up the stiff clay lands to the sun and
rain and air-burying under all grass, weeds, and other vegetable matter-throwing the wet soil up into
broad "lands," with a deep and wide water furrow to carry off the surplus moisture, so that your
ground will be dry for early planting. And if you avoid drought-the great enemy of corn-be sure and
plough deep; and also lay off your drills so that you can plant deep; that is, so deep that when the
tiny green shoots first break through the wide drill, they may be two or three inches below the surface
of the middles. To plant thus you must open deep and wide drills, and throw the earth back so as not to
fill the furrow within two or three inches. Use all the manure you can get; but remember that a deep
ploughing without manure is better than a shallow scratching with ever so much, in our scorching climate.
Corn makes bread, and bacon and poultry, and beef, and fat horses and mules. It is the "all-in-all-the
staff of life" for the South-It is the great food crop of this continent, and one of the greatest
blessings of the earth; therefore prepare now to cover a larger surface than ever before; to plant
and cultivate in a better style, and, with God's blessing, to harvest a large crop-Southern Cultivator
April 02, 1862 Issue:
Pea Nuts and Pea Nut Oil.-Experience having demonstrated that pea nut oil, for lubricating purposes,
is almost the only vegetable oil which will not "gum" and befoul machinery, there is now a great demand
in the Confederate States both for the old and the nuts. We are earnestly requested to direct the
attention of planters to the cultivation of pea nuts, and urge all who have any to sell to bring them
in at once. They will meet an active demand at fair prices.-Macon Telegraph
April 02, 1862 Issue:
As lead is in great demand, it is suggested that old tea chests contain each from two to five pounds,
which, cleaned with little trouble and melted, makes a fair article of lead. Every pound helps.
April 09, 1862 Issue:
In our Confederacy hay is at this time a scarce article. It is much needed for the horses in
our armies, and, if they do not get plenty of feed, the severe work they have to perform soon
reduces them to a worthless condition. It is also wanted in the cities and towns, as well as on
the plantations. To obtain an early supply, planters should sow oats. It can be cut before it is
ripe, and cured as hay is cured, then baled and sent to market. Do not be afraid of having too
much of it. There will be sale for all you have, and it will bring you the money cotton will not.
April 09, 1862 Issue:
We learn that parties from other States are coming into North Carolina and buying up bacon, flour &c
and carrying it off. We ask Gov. Clark's attention to the matter. Many persons among us will take the
largest price offered them, if their next door neighbors starve to death.
April 09, 1862 Issue:
The Railroads-All freights of produce or other articles not for the government, we learn, are forbidden
to be carried on the railroads at present-We beg the people to get up their wagons and bring to market
flour, corn, bacon &c.
April 16, 1862 Issue:
Salt Peter-At the request of the authorities here, we very cheerfully give place to the article in today's
issue, in relation to the production of salt peter. It is an essential article to the government in carrying
on the war. Every person who can manufacture one or five pounds of it, ought to do so, and sell it to the
government. Both the State and Confederate governments are paying a high price for the article. Our regret
is that earlier and more stringent efforts were not made for procuring this essential article abroad, as well
as at home.
April 16, 1862 Issue:
Arms-A writer in the Raleigh Register who signs himself "Foresight," gives the following important suggestions.
We think he is mistaken as to the number of rifles in this State:
"Let those having the authority, appoint men in each country in the State, to hunt up and purchase
all the rifles that will do for service, and set our gunsmiths throughout the State to altering them so
as to carry the Minnie ball. Many of them are long enough to make two guns, each two feet long."
April 16, 1862 Issue:
A Gentleman who has just returned from extensive rambles in Louisiana and Texas, says the sugar planters
are feeding their molasses to their hogs, and are going to raise meat from their cane, and that none of
them are making any attempt to raise crops of cotton. Very few plantations have overseers. Most of them
have gone to the war, while their salaries are continued and paid to their families. The farmers have
sent their sons to the war, and are attending to their plantations themselves.
April 23, 1862 Issue:
One of our volunteers at Goldsboro, North Carolina, writes that the chief want of the troops is newspapers
and soap, and the greatest fear is snakes.
April 23, 1862 Issue:
Mustard-The supplies of this article, of which immense quantities are generally used in the South, have
heretofore been mostly supplied from the Western States, although it can be raised here much more easily
and abundantly. It is another example of the shameful dependence upon our enemies, we have hitherto lived
in. In this, as well as in many other matters, we are at last happily compelled to depend on ourselves.
Aside from the necessity we are under now of providing a large supply of mustard for medical and other uses,
in the point of profit there is no crop a farmer can raise more remunerative. We have seen in some of the
Patent Office Reports, a report from an Illinois farmer of his experience in raising mustard for market,
and he estimated his profit at (we think) $300 per acre-much better than making cotton at nothing per pound.
It should be planted early in the spring, in drills 18 inches or two feel apart and thinned, to six inches
in the drill.
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