The Petition to Create Richmond County, from Anson - 1779
Transcribed from original
Contributed by Mr. Carol McLean
April 20, 2006
In 1777 Lawrence O'Bryan signed a petition with other Anson County residents living on the East side of the
Pee Dee River. The petition requested the General Assembly of North Carolina to cut off that part of Anson
County to the East of the Pee Dee River and to form a new county. In 1779, the General Assembly voted to
form the new county of Richmond. (Original at NC Archives, Raleigh, NC)

State of North Carolina. To the Honourable, the members of the Senate and House of Commons met in General
Assembly. January 30, 1779.
The petition of the inhabitants of the upper end of the county of Anson humbly sheweth that your petitioners
labour under great hardships and disadvantages in crossing the many bad water courses in traveling to attend
the county courts of the said county as jurors, and to attend at general musters and elections and other
publick meetings held at the court house of the said county by living remote from said court house, it being
situate in the lower end of the said county, which at the time the court house was situated there was the
center of the bulks of the inhabitants there settled in the said county, but as the upper end of the said
county within a few years past has grown populus and is settled with a sufficient number of taxable inhabitants
to support and maintain a county expense. And at this time the county of Anson is from north to south upwards
of one hundred miles in length (remainder of sentence illegible). River PeeDee runs in an angular form so that
a division by the said river would relieve none of the hardships and disadvantages which your petitions labour
under as the said river runs from northwest to southeast through the said county and in length of the said
county from North to South, river exceeds twenty miles on an east line to the line of Cumberland County.
Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that the county of Anson be divided by the road leading from Munroe's
Bridge on Drowning Creek to Colson ferry on PeeDee River, and that at a point in the said road opposite the
mouth of Rocky River the said line to be begun and run a west line crossing the River PeeDee through the
mouth of Rocky River and into the dividing line between this county and Mecklinburg County, and that all
the land now contained within the bounds of Anson County north of the said line be a distinct county and
have all the privileges that any other county in this State are entitled to and your petitioners shall in
duty bound ever pray.
John Haley
Jacob Cockerham
Wm. Morris
Henery Taylor
John Dove
John Curry
Nathan Herinton
Laurence OBryen
Cooper Clark
Elisha Collins
Farquhar McRae
Welcome Ussery
Isaac Armstrong
Peter Usery
Thomas George
James Conway
John Bennet
Joseph Tarbutton
Jeremiah Hendrick
Thomas Fanning
John Powell
Alexander MasLennan
Richard Loklear
John MacRay, Junior
Thos. Cockerham
Christopher McRae
Owen Slaughter
Joseph Simpkin
John Street
James McMillen
James McKeachey
Norman McLeod
Wm. Leggett
Benjamin Powell
George Slaughter
Jeremiah Simpkin
Randal Cokerham
Townsend Robinson
Jas. Pickett
John Kembrough
John Skiner
John McColman
Absolom Hindes
James Phillips
Stephen Gaylord
Patrick Sanders
William Baker
William McDonald
Samson Huckuson
John Nglish
John Jincans
Thos Dockery
Richard Adams
David Collins
Edward Almond
Wm. Longmore
William May
John Bostick
John Long
Vinson Davis
Isaac Brigman
William Smith
David Rich
Solomon Jones
John Thrower
George Webb
James Phillips
Daniel Smith
Note: There are many additional names of signers that are illegible.

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