1858 January. To the Sheriff of Richmond County Greetings: You are hereby commanded to notify
Samuel Terry, Wm. E. Smith, B. B. McKenzie, Calvin A. Everette and Wm. D. Ussery that at the last
Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions begun and held for the County of Richmond at the
Courthouse in Rockingham on the third Monday in January A. D. 1858 they were chosen and appointed
Superintendents of Common Schools for said County, and to summon them to meet at the Office of
said Clerk of the Court on the third Monday of April next to enter upon the discharge of their
duties as such. Herein fail not and have you then and there this writ. Louis H. Webb, C.C.
James G. Bostick, Sheriff and B. B. McKenzie, Deputy Sheriff.

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