Based on original records the first Richmond County school districts were probably surveyed in 1839.
Because there were few established landmarks, the surveyor has meticulously documented his survey
with approximate locations of the plantations and mansion houses of many of Richmond County's early
settlers. Each school district is named along with the names of the first school committee members.

Wolf Pit District begins at Hedgecock Creek on the east bank of the PeeDee River and runs north —
to a corner in or near Dawkin's field, thence south eleven degrees — four pine pointers west of Almond's
Branch and south of Marks Creek, thence south seventy nine west nearly down said creek four hundred and
forty eight chains to a corner in Marks Creek aforesaid, thence north eleven degrees west to the beginning.
School Committee: William Strickland, John W. Covington, Miles Long, John Cole and Daniel D. Morrison
Marks Creek District begins at the second corner of the Wolfpit District and runs thence north seventy
nine degrees west four hundred and forty eight chains to a corner, then south ... to a stake five pine
pointers to northeast side of the Wallace old field, then south seventy nine degrees west crossing the
Old Cheraw and Goose Pond roads a few yards north of the cross and down the Beaverdam Branch to a
blackjack sapling ... twenty chains below the fork of the Goose Pond and Old Cheraw roads four hundred
and forty chains to the beginning. School Committee: John Crowson Alexander McKinnon, Malcom L. Douglas,
John Nicholson, and Ezekial L. Peavy.
Yates District begins at a pine near the top of a hill northwest of Widow Gilberry's plantation on east
side of Gum Swamp six pine pointers and runs thence nearly as said Gum Swamp south seventy nine degrees
west crossing the Beaver Dam above the McMillan old mill and Joes Creek above James Graham's plantation
four hundred and forty eight chains to a stake five pine pointers northeast of the Wallace old field,
thence eleven degrees west four hundred and forty eight chains to a corner thence crossing Gum Swamp
below the Fulling Mill to the beginning.
Jordons Creek District begins at a pine near the top of a hill northwest of Widow Gilberry's
plantation six pine pointers and runs thence north seventy nine degrees east four hundred and
forty eight chains crossing a little below the fork of the Gilchrist and Turnpike [Old Stage]
roads to a lightwood ... tree pointer then south eleven degrees east near John McLean's four
hundred and forty eight chains to a pine on the edge of the Turnpike Road and north of the Rev.
John Monroe's house five pine pointers, then south seventy nine west between John McNeill's
and Alexander Millan's, north of Neill Lytch's and between Malcom Gillis and John Buchanan's
crossing the Poley Bridge road at the five mile post from Laurel Hill, four hundred and forty
eight chains to a stake six pine pointers near the head of a drain and below the Poley Bridge
Road, thence north eleven degrees west nearly up Gum Swamp four hundred and forty eight
chains to the beginning. School Committee: William Buchanan, John McNeill, Archibald Monroe,
Dugald McLaurin, and John A. Morrison.
Shoe Heel District begins at a lightwood pointer above the Turnpike Road and runs north ninety
degrees east crossing Hills Creek below the old mill to Drowning Creek, or Lumber River,
thence down said river to a corner, thence south seventy nine degrees west crossing the Rockingham
road eighteen chains above Mrs. Gilchrist's house passing south of Dugald Lytch's, John McAlester's,
Archibald McFarland's, and Hector McNeill's and north of Daniel Monroe and Col. Alexander Shaw's to
a pine in the edge of the Turnpike Road and north of Parson John Monroe's house five pointers,
thence north eleven degrees west four hundred and forty eight chains to the beginning. School
Committee: John White, Neill Lytch, Archibald McFarland and Hector McNeill
Goosepond District begins at a pine at the edge of the Turnpike Road north of Parson John Monroe's
plantation five pine pointers and runs thence north seventy nine degrees east passing south of
Hector McNeill's and of Archibald McFarland's and north of Col. Alexander Shaw's and the Widow
Gilchrist's to Lumber River, then down the various courses of said river to a corner, then south
seventy nine degrees west passing between Mrs. McAlester's on the south and Mrs. Graham's on the
north, also Mrs. Blue's on the north to a pine in a flat between John C. Baker's
and Daniel C. Stewart's four pines and a sweet gum pointers, then north eleven degrees west
passing east of said Stewart's and west of Neill McLean's and of Angus Priest's and east of
Parson Monroe's four hundred and forty eight chains to the beginning.
School Committee: John Fairly, Alexander Shaw, Alexander W. McLauchlin and Duncan Campbell,
and Neill McLean
Laurel Hill District begins at a pine in the edge of the Turnpike Road and north of
Parson John Monroe's house five pine pointers and runs thence south eleven degrees east passing east of
said Monroe's house west of Angus Priest and Neill McLean's and east of Daniel C. Stewart's four hundred
and forty eight chains to a pine in a flat four pines and a sweet gum pointer between said Stewart's
and John C. Baker's, then south twenty nine degrees west passing north of John L. McCall's
and James Middleton's and south of Arch Lytch's and Alexander McEachern's four hundred and
forty eight chains to a corner in a bay below Neill McNair's house west side of Gum Swamp, thence
north eleven degrees west passing a few yards west of Neill McNair's house and east of Godfrey Huccaby's
and west of Mrs. Patterson's four hundred and forty eight chains to a stake six pine pointers
near a drain and below the Poley Bridge Road, thence north seventy nine degrees east crossing
the Poley Bridge Road at the five mile post from Laurel Hill between John Buchanan's and
Malcom Gillis north of Neill Lytch's and between Alexander McMillan's and John McNeill's
four hundred and forty eight chains to the beginning. School Committee: Alexander Malloy,
Hector McMillan, D. C. Stewart, James Lytch and Samuel Gibson
Joes Creek District begins at a stake near a drain west side of Gum Swamp and below
Poley Bridge Road six pine pointers and runs thence south eleven degrees east passing west of
Mrs. Patterson's east of Godfrey Huccaby's and a few yards west of Neill McNair's house four
hundred and forty eight chains to a corner in a bay below said McNair's and west side of
Gum Swamp thence south seventy nine degrees west passing north of John C. Smith's house south
of William Gibson's and between George Bullard's and Nathaniel Gibson's and north of
Noah Gibson's old place to a corner in the S. C. State line north forty five degrees west
eighteen chains to a corner in said State line below Samuel Goodwin's plantation, thence north
eleven degrees west passing a few yards west of— through the Green Pond a few yards west of
Mrs. Smith's house and east of Samuel Pate's four hundred and twenty two chains to a stake five
pine pointers northeast of the Wallace old field, thence north seventy nine degrees east passing north
of James Graham's and Samuel Snead's and crossing the beaver dam above the McMillan's old mill four
hundred and forty eight chains to the beginning. School Committee: Matthew W. McNair, Duncan McNeill,
Nathaniel P. Gibson, John Graham and Godfrey Huckabee.
Bridge Creek District begins at a pine in a flax between Daniel C. Stewart's and
John C. Baker's plantation four pines and a sweet gum pointers and runs thence south
eleven degrees east passing west of said Baker's, Daniel McNeill's and Mrs. Mc-Kenzie's
and east of John L. McCall's, John McLaurin's and the Carmichael's four hundred and forty
eight chains to a corner in Leith's Creek Swamp north seventy nine degrees east passing south
of Nathaniel Gibson's plantation and north of George Bullard's south of William Gibson's by the
place where the Old Field Meeting House stood and north of John C. Smith's house four hundred and
twenty two chains to the beginning. School Committee: John McLaurin, John L. McColl, John Blue,
John McD. Shaw, and Alexander B. McKinnon.
Rocky Ford District begins at a pine in a flat between Daniel C. Stewart's and John Baker's four
pines and a sweetgum pointers and runs thence north seventy nine degrees east passing north of
Edward McNair's and William McLean's and south of Mrs. Blue's and between Mrs. Graham's and
McAlester's to Lumber River above Archibald Gilchrist's bridge, thence down the various courses
of the said river to Campbell's Bridge, thence along the County line to a corner near Mrs. McLendon's,
thence south seventy nine degrees west passing south of Charles Patterson's and between Mrs. Calhoun
and Daniel A. McArn's to a corner in Leith's Creek Swamp west side, thence north eleven degrees
passing west of Mrs. McKenzie's house, east of Col. John L. McLaurin's and John L. McCall's and
west of John C. Baker's four hundred and forty eight chains to the beginning. School Committee:
Daniel A. McArn, John Baker, Daniel McKinnon, and Archibald L. McKay
Rockdale District begins at a bay below Neill McNair's house west side of Gum Swamp and runs thence
nearly as said swamp south eleven degrees east to a corner in the S. C. State line north forty five
degrees west to a corner above Noah Gibson's plantation, thence north seventy nine degrees east
passing south of Nathaniel Gibson's plantation and north of George Bullard's, south of
William Gibson's and by the place where the Old Field Meetinghouse stood and north of John C. Smith's
house four hundred and twenty two chains to the beginning. School Committee: Stafford Gibson,
Duncan C. Wright, John H. Gibson, Samuel Wright and Silas Jones.
Leiths Creek (or Smyrna) District begins at a corner near Mrs. McLendon's in the County line and
runs thence south thirty five degrees west to a corner in the State line north ... south of
John Shaw's house, north of Peter and George Graham's houses by Caledonia Church, south of
the Carmichael's between Mrs. Calhoun and Daniel McArn's and south of Charles Patterson to the
beginning. School Com-mittee: Archibald Fairly, Norman McRae, Daniel McCormick, Samuel McArthur
and David R. McCall.
Lightwood Knot District (or Morrisons) begins at a corner in the S. C. State line
below Samuel Goodwin's and Noah Gibson's plantation and runs thence as said line
north forty five degrees west to the corner stake west of Crooked Creek, thence as the State
line west to Pee Dee River, thence up said river to the mouth of Hedgecock Creek, thence south
eleven degrees east to a corner in Marks Creek, thence nearly up said creek and the
Beaverdam Branch north seventy nine degrees east to a stake five pine pointers northeast of
the Wallace old field, thence south eleven degrees east passing east of Samuel Pate's and
a few chains west of Mrs. Smith's and through the Green Pond by a grog (?) shop to the
beginning. School Committee: Nelson Stephens, Hugh Livingston Archibald McPherson and John Smith.
Deeds Bk P/p437-444
All records on this page are transcribed from files at NC Dept. of Archives and History, Raleigh, N. C. by
Myrtle Bridges October 29, 2001

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