1900 January 11. A letter to Mr. J. H. Walsh, Supt., Rockingham, N. C. by L. D. McKinnon of Laurinburg, N. C.
Dear Sir:
The Committee in the District in which I live have been advertising and working to get a
satisfactory Teacher for some months, and at the very last they got a man from S. C., Mr.
James T. Wilder, an ex-Confederate, twice wounded in the war, having enlisted at the age of 14, -
who immediately entered upon his duties with the understanding that we would endeavor to get his
certificate, so as to comply with the law, and let him go at once to work. He has a Certificate
from the State of Texas for four years and I am sure that he is fully competent. He has never
held a Certificate from this State, as he has never before taught here; but has Certificates,
or has taught in S. C., Georgia and Texas. The latest is from Texas, and is herewith submitted.
And in this connection, I would say the I am informed that Pres. George T. Winston says Texas
has a magnificent system of public schools -- they have so much land from the public lands
of the State, I believe.
We have made this arrangement with Mr. Wilder: He is to have forty dollars per month, and
all who will voluntarily pay are to contribute $1.25 per Scholar per month, and such amount
as is thus voluntarily paid in is to be deducted from the $40.00, and the balance to be
paid out of the public funds. In this way we hope to get enough paid in voluntarily, to eke
out the public funds so that we may run five months without break. The School is a Public
School. Every child in the District is welcome and invited to come free. Those patrons
who are able and willing will contribute as a gift, $1.25 per Scholar per month for their own
children in attendance. Anyone who does not care to contribute can let it absolutely alone,
but may send his Children to the very end of the School, if it should run ten months!
I enclose $1.00. If you can do it, please issue a Certificate to Mr. Wilder - 1st Grade. He
wrote me asking me to make this application, which note and Texas Certificate I enclose. Also,
please send us some blanks for Teachers orders and for incidental expenses also. Also please
send us School Laws.
The number of our District is 2, white. The Committee are Angus Fairley, Angus Blue and
E. W. McKinnon. I am not on the Committee; but am Township Trustee.
Yours very truly, L. D. McKinnon —
Richmond County School Records - NCA
All records on this page are transcribed from files at NC Dept. of Archives and History, Raleigh, N. C. by
Myrtle Bridges

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