County Records

Rockingham County Deeds Index

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McCollum, Thrasher, Browder, Whittemore Information

Submitted By: Beth Sloan

Films from Rockingham County found in Family History Library Catalog, ordered and used at the FHC in LV March/April/May of 2003

Film number 0019704 Minutes, Rockingham Co, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Session (1786 -1795)

This film shows documents that are very discolored, ink has soaked thru from the other side of page, it is ripped, attempts to tape it has made part unreadable and almost impossible to copy.

Dates...just not given in the beginning. Document would say that it was a quarter court meeting in a season or month and then the end of said court would be missing. It is obvious some documents are just gone and so there is no resolution.

Spelling of McCollum. In early documents it can be McCollom, Mcollum, Mcallum and so on. Anything that looked familiar I tried to copy. I didn’t take McCollock or McCallister as they seemed established by that spelling.

Summer Time? 1786

Ordered that William McCollum (McCollom) be appointed Overseer of the road from the Mago?? River to Wm. Gallanas Store & that to the South that the hard convenient keep the same in good repair.

Some pages further and may be same date.

Ordered that James Mc Collum be cited to appear at the next Court to be held for and to explain ......County? And render an account of his Executorship as it is the Court that he is making away with the Estate to the Prejudice of the descendants ....... of Daniel McCollum Deceased.

Some pages further on and again no date.

Ordered that a citation which (large blurred space) against DAVID MCCOLLUM JR. .... mistake ......Court office (more space or blurring about four words....looks like a tape was put over this to save paper and ruined writing) against JAMES MCCOLLUM who appointed to be executor of DAMIEL MCCOLLUM Decd and that he return true account of his Executorship.

Yseec or like a Zfsec...the fs is probably a "s" in that day but I am not sure about the Z or sidewards V that comes before it. Missionaries at the FHC couldn’t figure it out.

Aug. Court. Misdeamor fine but then looks like 12 men named to be jury and James McCollum is #7 or was the 7th one fined.

Nov.Ct. 1786

John McCollum came into Court to prove a deed from Isacck White to Joshua Priest for 640 Acres of land

Nov. 28 1791 Richard Thrasher in a Slander Case which he evidently wins. No detail just name, Slander and jury finds for Plaintiff

McCollum John to James Mcallum

Rockingham NC DEEDS 1789 - 92 Book C Wentworth

Film 0019706

Page 347

This Indenture made this 8th Day of February And in the Year of our Lord Christ Seventeenth hundred and Ninety four in the Eighteenth year of American Independence Between John McCollum of the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina of the one part and James Mcollum of the aforesaid County and State of the Other part witnessth that the said John McCollum for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Pounds Virginia currency to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof I do acknowledge himself fully satisfied contented and paid every part and parcel thereof hath contracted Bargained Sold and Confirmed unto James McCallum his heirs and signs forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying in ? County of Rockingham and on The Waters of Hogan’s Creek It being Part of a Survey of Land Granted by Daniel Mcollum Dec // the South end of said Tract Butted & Bounded as followeth Beginning at a birch on the bank of the Creek, Thence West Eight Poles to a hickory Thence South three poles to a State Thence West two Hundred Eighty Eight poles to a Black Oak, Thence North Eight Six Poles to a Stake, Thence East One hundred & Seventy Two Poles to a hickory Thence East Sixty Deg - North forty Poles to a red oak Thence East Sixty Nine Poles down a branch to a red oak, Thence East forty two poles to a Sugar Tree on the bank of the Creek, Thence up ----- Thence to the first Station containing ONE HUNDRED & SIXTY SIX Acres be the Same more or less it being Part of Two Tracts of Land formerly belonging to Danl McCollum Dec. —Have to hold and peaceably Enjoy this one Hundred & Sixty Six Acres of Land together with Houses orchards woods water & ? Everything that appertains thereunto on the said John Mcollum SN for himself his heirs & every of them Do Warrant and forever defend the Right title Claim & Interest of the Said Lands unto the said James McCollum to him his heirs forever In witness where of the Said John McCollum hath hereunto Set his hand & assigned his seal the Day & date first above affixed.

Signed & Sealed in Presence of John McCollum(SEAL)

W. Bethell +

Jn. Thrasher

Wm Callum


Film 0019706 Pages 348 Rockingham NC Deed Book C 1789-92 Wentworth

Salt Lake City Film read at LVFHC April 4, 03

McCollum John to McCollum Isaac

This Indenture made this 8 Day of February One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety four in the 18th year of Independence ____ John McCollum Snr of Caswell County and State of North Carolina of the one Part and Isaac McCollum Jacob McCollum Thrasher Mcollum and Cloud Mcallum all of Rockingham County and State aforesaid of the other part witness----son? John McCollum Snr for and in consideration of the Sum of Fifty pounds hath contracted bargained and sold unto the said Mes? Isaac McCallum, Thrasher McCollum Jacob Mcollum and Cloud McCallum of the County aforsaid a Certain Tract or Pacel of Land Situate lying and Being in County of Rockingham and ----- the North Side of Hogans Creek, Butted and bounded as followth: to witt Beginning at a poplar on Hogan’s Creek bank running Thence West seventy Six poles to a hickory Thence North Seventy Poles to a red oak William Bethell----- corner Thence South Seventy Degrees West Two hundred & Seventy Poles Thence South Thirty Two Poles, Thence West twenty four poles, Thence South One hundred and fourteen poles to a state, Thence East one hundred & Seventy two poles to a hickory Thence North Sixty Degrees East forty poles Thence East down the branch Sixty nine poles to a red oak Thence East forty two poles to a Sugar tree on the bank of ----Creek Thence down the said Creek as the Water meanders to the first Station to witt a poplar? Containing Three hundred and Eighty Nine Acres be the Same more or less It being part of Two Tracts of Land formerly belonging to Daniel McCollum Decd. To Have and to Hold and Peacebly enjoy the same Thence ------Hundred and Eight nine acres land, Together with the House Orchards woods water and everything at appertains thereunto and the said John McCollum Snr for himself his heirs and every of theredo Warrant and for ever defend the right title claim and Interest of the Said Land unto the Said Mes? Isaac McCollum, Jacob, Thrasher, & Cloud McCollum to them and their heirs forever In Witness where of the said John Mcallum hath forever Set his hand and affixed his seal this day and date first above written.

Signed and Sealed In John Mcollum (Seal)

Presence of

Will Bethell +

Jon Thrasher

Wm Callum


Rockingham NC DEEDS Book D 1792 - 96 Wentworth

Film 0019706 Very Hard to Read (p. 42 of original)

This Indenture Made the 14 Day of April One thousand seven hundred and ninety four and in the 18th year of our Independence Between Jacob McCollum of Rockingham County and State of North Carolina of the one part and Isaac McCollum of the said county and State of the aforesaid—witnesseth that the said Jacob Mcallum for and in Consideration of the Sum of fifty Pounds had contracted Sold unto the Said Isaac McCollum of the County & State aforesaid all of -----Severally his Equal fourth Part of a Certain Tract or Parcel of -----Land Situate Lying and being in Said County of the Rockingham ----the North side of Hogan’s Creek, Reference being made to a Deed----John McCallum to Isaac McCallum & Others with more fully ap-----To Have and To Hold and Peaceably enjoy the Land Premises? To —with the Houses Orchard Woods Waters everything that appertaines thereunto and the Jacob McCollum for himself and All his Heirs –every one of them to warrant and forever defend the Rights Titles & Interest of the Said Lands ---- unto the said Isaac McCollum His Heirs & assigns forever Hath hereunto Set his hand and affixed his Seal this Day & Date first above written.

In Witness where of : Jacob McCollum

William Bethell +

Nimshi London



Film 0019706 pages 193 Deed Book D Rockingham NC 1792 - 96 Wentworth

This Indenture made this 24th Day of August in the year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and Ninety five Between Thrasher Mcallum of Rockingham County & State of North Carolina on the one Part and Isaac McCollum of Wake County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witness that the Said Thrasher McCollum for and in consideration of the Sum of fifty Pounds Current money of State: Hath contracted

bargained and sold unto the said Isaac McCollum his heirs and assigns forever a Certain Tract or Parcel of land allotted me by the Death of my Father: Lying on the North Side of Hogan’s Creek It being —fourth part of the Land whereon my Father Daniel McCollum lived and Died, Containing Three Hundred & Eighty Nine Acres of which my part is about ninety four Acres more or less, I do by these /----acknowledge that I have Sold the Same and Rev full Satisfaction for the Same To Have and To Hold Peaceable enjoy my Said Ninty Four Acres Land as aforesaid. Together with all Singular the appurtinanus wood Water Houses Orchard and all other profits Interst & advantages that may or will arrive from the Said Land & ?premises? I do by by (it is there twice eas) Heirs or any other Person Laying any ----There to unto the Said Isaac Mcollum his heirs and assign sorever In witnesses I ahve Set my Hand & Seal the Day and Year above Written

William Bethell + Thrasher Mcollum (Seal)

Cloud Thrasher


Rockingham NC Deeds Book B 1785-1866 is title but it is really only years 1786-9

Film 0019706 Pages 24/25  Family History film read at LVFHC April 4 2003


P. 24 This Indentured made this Seventeenth Day of February in the Year of our Lord Christ Seventeen hundred and Eighty eight and in the Year of American Independence Between John Thrasher Sr. of Rockingham County and State of North Carolina of the One part and Joh. Thrasher Junr of the other part. Witnesseth that the Said John Thrasher Senr for and in consideration of the Sum of Two hundred pounds lawful money of state the Receipt where of both acknowledge, Granted sold confirmed unto John Thrasher Jun his Heirs and assigns forever a certain Tract or Parcel of Land Situate lying and being in Said County and State on the Waters of Lickfork ?Habblin" Branch of Hogan's Creek Being Part of a survey of Land 693 Acres, Granted by Lord Earl Granville to Said John Thrasher Senr and the upper end of Said Tract. Butted & Bonded as foloweth: Beginning at a white Oak, Running East and Dividing line between Thomas Sparks ? Lands One Hundred and thirty two poles to a white Oak Thence North on a dividing Line between J? Lands and Joseph Cloud Thrashers Lands. Two hundred and Seventy two poles to a White oak crossing J Creek. Thence West one hundred and thirty two poles to a white oak crossing said Creek. Thence West one hundred and thirty two poles to a post oak. Thence South Crossing Said Creek, two hundred and Seventy (could be twenty) two poles to the first Station containing Two hundred and Twenty Acres of the same More or Less (now page 25) To Have & To Hold and peaceabley Enjoy the Said Two Hundred and Twenty Acres of Land, Together with all houses, orchards, woods, waters, mines and meadows and everything that appertains to said Lands and promises above mentioned and the Said John Thrasher Senr and Ruth his wife for Themselves their Heirs do Warrant and forever defend the Right title, claim and Interest of Said Lands ?? to him the Said John Thrasher Jun. his Heirs and assigns forever, And the Said John Thrasher Senr and Ruth Thrasher his wife do covenant promises and Agree to make the said John Thrasher Junr His Heirs or Assigns any further Deed Right or title that he or his Heirs assigns may Lawfully require.

In Witness whereof We have hereto set our hand seals the day and Year first signd Seal and Delivered

In Presence of Us John His Mark Thrasher *Seal*

Jos C. Thrasher Ruth His Mark Thrasher

Isaac Thrasher

William Bethell X

Isham Browder

Rockingham NC Deeds Book B 1786-89 Wentworth

Film 0019706

Pages 142/144

State of North Carolina

Grant No. 1054

168 Acres

To All To whom These Presents Shall Come Greeting

Know Ye That we for and in consideration of the Sum of Fifty Shillings for every Hundred Acres hereby Granted paid unto our Treasury by Isham Browder have Given and Granted and by these presents to Give and Grant unto the Said Isham Browder a Tract of Land containing One Hundred and Sixty Eight Acres & lying being in our own County of Guilford on the North Side of Wolf Island Creek Beginning at (BAN or RAN) Ketons (Kiton?) Corner white oak in the aforesaid Browders own line running Thence West on his own line Eighteen poles to a Post to a black oak corner of Edward Stubblefield’s Thence West on Stubblefields line crossing a branch Seventy Four poles to a Black oak in John Linders line Thence East on Linders fifty six poles to a Black Oak in Blankstons line, Thence East on Blankston line One Hundred and fifty two poles to the first station as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear Together with all woods, waters, mines, mineral heraditaments and appurtenances to the said Land belong of appertaining: To Hold to the Said Isham Browder his Heirs and Assigns forever. Yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from Time to Time may direct Provided always that if Said Isham Browder sall cause this Grant to be Registered in the Regu. Office of Our Said County of Guilford with = in twelve mon this from the date hereof otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect.


Rockingham NC Deeds Book B 1786-89 Wentworth

Film 0019706

P. 244 Isham Browder witnesses deed of Jarret Brand (Co. Of Washington) May 10, 1783


GENERAL Index to Real Estate Conveyances - Rockingham County N.C. GRANTEES

p. 73 Film 0518270 from Family History Lib

1798 Whittemore Clement Grantee Cantrill Isaac Grantor Deed Book F P. 36 550A Wolf Is Cr.

1799 Whittemore Clement Grantee Cantrill Aaron Grantor Deed Book F P. 113 30A. Wolf Is Creek

1801 Whittemore Clement Grantee Saunders John Gtor Deed Book G. P. 186 175 A Wolf Is Creek

1802 Whittemore Clement Grantee Johnston William Gtor Deed H P. 256 113 A Wolf Is Creek

1804 Whittemore Clement Grantee Browder Isham Gtor Deed Book I P. 91 70 A Wolf Is Creek

1808 Whittemore Lewis Grantee Wilson Aguilla by Deed Book K P. 21 169 A on Hogan’s Crk William Betnell           Attorney in Fact

1808 Whittemore Clement John Smith Deed Book M P. 383 254 A Pruits Fork, Hogan Cr

1808 Whittemore Clement Winston Thomas Deed Book M P. 391 55A Wolf Is & Hogan’s Cr

1811 Whittemore Clement Cantrell Aaron Deed Book O p. 190 22 A on Fork of Wolf Is Creek

1813 Whittemore Lewis Johnson George Deed Book P p. 27 92 A on Lickfork Creek

1816 Whittemore Clement Walker Joel Deed Book Q p. 121 601/2 A

1816 Whittemore Clement Brown James Deed B. Q P. 122 131/2 A Dan River & Others

1816 Whittemore Clement Browder Isham Deed B. Q P. 124 51A Wolf Is Crk.

1816 Whittemore Clement St Walker Allen Deed Q P. 126 200 A Dan River

1818 Whittemore Clement Matlock John Shff for Deed R P.318 250 A Bailes William

1818 Whittemore Clement Walker Joel Deed R P. 366 50 A Dan River

1818 Whittemore Clement Walker Joel Deed R P. 368 50 A Tates Crk

1818 Whittemore Clement Walker Joel Deed R P. 370 77 A Still House Crk

1822 Whittemore Abraham Whittemore Clement P Of A X p. 74 To Sell Tract of land Atty - in- Fact

1824 Whittemore Stirling Tr Wardlow William D.T. Y p. 203 270 A Wolf Is. Crk

1825 Whittemore Clement Browder Talitha D.T Z P. 12 110 A on Mill Creek

1826 Whittemore Clement Browder Richard Deed Z P. 310 168 A on Wolf Is Cr

1826 Whittemore Clement Whittemore Abraham Deed 2dA P. 59 Whittemore Dec’d Est of & others

1828 Whittemore Clement Dickney Elizabeth Deed 2dD P. 4 Tract on So. Side of Dan River Abraham & Others

1829 Whittemore Abraham Div of Land, John Elinor Atkins Dec’d Est of D of L 2dE P. 271 4961/2 A Wolf Is Crk.      Nancy Walker Benjamin, James Sterling & oths by Jas. Wright Att-in

1834 Clement Fact Deed 2dF P. 192 75 A Crossing Branch of Dan

1837 Whittemore Clement Hill Samuel Deed 2dH p. 325 1 Lot Town of Wentworth

1839 Whittemore James Hopkins William Deed 2dK P. 70 291/2 A Danv-Salem Road

1839 Whittemore Clement Roberts Martin Sh Deed 2dK P. 115 100 A. Little Rock House Crk

1840 Whittemore Clement Roberts Martin Sh Deed 2dL P. 101 67 A For Garland & Richard Jarrell

1842 Whittemore Clement Putman William D.T 2dM P. 111 Personal Property

1851 Whittemore I.B Whittemore, Clement Deed 2d R p. 102 Lot #37 Wentworth

1844 Whittemore Clement Tr Peay Robert D.T. 2dN P. 263 Personal Property

1844 Whittemore Clement Terrill Caty & Oths Deed 2dN P. 309 130 A Dan River

1844 Whittemore Clement Johnson Reubin Deed 2dN P. 337 100 A big Rock House Crk

1855 Whittemore I.B. Whittemore A.C.or G. Deed 2dT p. 379 2 Tracts, Little Rock House C

1856 Whittemore IB Duke John T & Talitha C P of A 2dT P.279

1857 Whittemore IB Tr Jones Sam & Others D.T. 2dU 84 Personal Property

1858 Whittemore IB Tr Scrugs Thomas D.T. 2dU P228 Personal Property

1859 Whittemore IB Tr Scruggs Thomas D.T. 2DU P. 300 Personal Property

1860 Whittemore IB Tr Scruggs Thomas D.T. 2dU P.360 Personal Property

1860Whittemore SusanE Dower, Wm. Whittemore Dower 2dW P. 14 57 3/4 A

1863 Whittemore IB Dec’d Est of Scales, A.M Deed 2dW P 271 19 A Mill Branch

C.M.E., John W

Ellington, Dec’d Est of

1869 Whittemore IB Moore Marvy, By Turner Deed 2dY P. 309 330 A. Wolf Is. Crk & Others W. Pattterson, Shff.


Film 0019708

Rockingham County, North Carolina Deed Records Book L Pages 170-171

No. 1010 Wooldridge William from Whittemore Clement Deed

This Indenture made this 10th day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and four, Between Clement Whittemore in the county of Rockingham and State of North Carolina of the one part and William Wooldridge in the same County and Sate afroesaid of the other part, Witnefseth, what the Said Clement Whittemore for and in consideration to him of the sum of three hundred and eight pounds fifteen shillings to him in hand paid at and before the Signing and Sealing of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and hereosionerate aquit and discharge, hath given, granted, bargained Sold aliened infeffed and confirmed, and do by these present give grant bargain Sell and confirm unto the said William Woolridge his heirs or afsigns three hundred and twenty five acres of Land situate lying and being on both sides of Wolf Island Creek in the County aforesaid __ Beginning at a red oak saplin Thomas Moores corner, thence with his line West 60 poles—to a sasafras, Thence So 73 D West with his line 122 poles to a Steak? Thence N 42 D Sel 26 poles to the Bank of the Creek, Thence N 34 (several ripped out words) 7 polez thence N 53 D W 12 plies to a grub Thence So 73 D W 36 poles to another grub, thence So. 55 D. W 12 poles, Thence So (either 46 or 66) D to 26 poles to a grub thence So. 75 D W 17 poles to a gum saplin thence ?2D @ 199 poles to a black Oak, thence East ----D W 90 poles Crofsing of one ford of Wolfe Island Creek to a Black Oak saplin John Armstrong’s corner, Thence South 16 poles to a White Oak, Thence East same Cariation 11/2 poles to a dogwood in a branch thence Down the branch So. 25 D East as it meanders 75 poles to a White Oak thence East two poles to a grub Thence South along Aron Cantrill’s line Crofsing of Wolf Island Creek 100 poles to the first station and Contains 325 Acres 76/100 parts of Land be the same more or lefs.

Together with all and Singular the rights and profits wood ways waters mines minerals herediaments and appurtenances to the said Land belong or appertaining To hold to the Said William Wooldridge his Heirs or afsigns for ever, And the said Clement Whittemore and his Heirs the Said Tennement and premises and any part thereof against him and His Heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever laying lawfull right or Claim thereinto, to have and to hold to the said William Woolredge his heirs and afsigns forever do Warrant and defend the same, In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Day and year first above written

In presents of us

Test Jacob Cantrell X Clement Whittemore (Seal)

Aaron Cantrill

David Barrey


Rockingham Deeds....Film says it is #2 Book...General Index list says it is in book 2dA, page 59.


Film number 19712 Years 1826-27

Whittemore Clement from A. Whittemore and others? Three or four blurred words

This Indenture made this 24 Day of May in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and Twenty six between Abraham Whittemore Samuel Endeley Mary Endsley John Hays and Martha Hays of County of Davidson and State of Tennessee of the one Part and Clement Whittemore of Rockingham County and State of North Carolina of the other part witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred and fifty dollars to them in hand paid by the said Clement Whittemore to the receipt and payment where of is hereby asked hath given granted bargained and Sol and by these present do give grant bargain Sell and deliver unto the Said Clement Whittemore His Heirs and Assigns forever one equal part of a certain tract or Parcel of Land belonging to the estate of Clement Whittemore Sen? Lying in Rockingham County in the State of North Carolina on Dan river Which parts we will Warrant and forever defend against the right title interest and Claim of all and Every ------whatsoever Claims In testimony we have here unto set our Hands and affixed our Seals this day and Date (next four or five words blurred out)

Abraham Whittemore? Seal

Samuel Endsley

Test Polly Endsley

A Whittemore X Jno Hays

George Chadwell Martha Hays

State of North Carolina August ??? 1826

Rockingham County

The Execution of the

within Deed from Abraham Whittemore & Others to Clement Whittemore was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Sterling Whittemore and on Motion ordered to be recorded.

R. Gallaway Clerk

Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Book K Film 0019708 Vol. K-N
Film from Salt Lake Family History Library Read in FHC in Vegas April 21, 03
No 709 Whittemore W. Lewis from Bethell Wm. Jr-A Wilson Deed 169 Acres p. 21

This Indeunture made the 28th day of February in the Year One thousand eight hundred and five Between Aquilla Wilson Late of the County of Rockingham in the State of North Carolina of the one Part adn Lewis W. Whittemore in the Same County and State aforesaid of the other part: WITNEFSETH that the Said Aquilla Wilson for and in consideration to him of the sum of Three hundred and forty six dollars in hand paid, the Receipt whereof he the Said Aquilla Wilson do hereby acknowledge and hereof exonerate aquit and discharge, Hath given granted bargained Sold aliened enfoffed (ensossed? enfossed?) and confirmed and do by These presents give grant bargain and Sell and confirm unto the Said Lewis W. Whittemore one hundred and Sixty nine acres of Land situate lying and being on the Waters of the Lickforth of Hogans Creek in the County aforesaid.
Begining at a corner of William Bethells land following his line to the other corner of Bethell's Land Thence South to John Johnstons contains one hundred Sixty nine Acres of Land.
To Witnefs whereof To the Said Lewis W. Whittemore his Heirs and afsigns forever do warrant and defend by these presentz.
In Witnefs whereof I the Said William Bethell Jur. as Attorney in Fact for the Said Aquilla Wilson hath hereunto Set my hand and Affixed my Seal in the Day and Year just above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered William Bethell (Seal)
in the presents of for W. Bethell Aquilla Wilson
Isham Browder Attorney in Fact

Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
 Film 0019707   Book E Wentworth
 Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
 Transcribed April 1, 03 FHC Las Vegas
 Pages 183

 MCallum, William from Dill John   Deed for 153 A  Indenture made 24th day of August in the 25 year of American
 Independence and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and  Ninety Seven between John Dill Sen and Wife Mary Dill of the one Part and of  the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina and William Mcallum
of  the Same County.
 Witnefs: That the Said Dill & Wife in Considertaion of the Sum of One Hudnred & Fifty Pounds current money of the State aforesaid to them in hand paid by this William Mcollum the receipt whereof the Said John Dill doth hereby acknowledge they the Said Dill & wife have bargained, granted sold and conveyed One Hundred and fifty Acres of land lying in Rockingham county and bounded as followth...At the head of a branch of Fork Wolf Island Saml Watts line
 In the presents of John Dill  William Bethell X  Mary Dill  John Charles


Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
 Film 0019707   Book E Wentworth
 Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
 Transcribed April 1, 03 FHC Las Vegas
 Pages 189

  Indenture made the 25th Day of November in Seventeen hundred and ninety Seven Between John Davic of Rockingham of the one part and William Mcallum of the other part.  Witneff that the Said David for and in consideration
of  the sum of Ten to him in hand paid, the Receipt doth acknowledge hath granted, bargained and sold to the Said William Mcollum a Certain tract or  Parcel of Land situate lying and being in Said County and State on the Waters of Lickforth Creek it being Part of a survey Granted to Said Davic by William Bethell bearing the date 24 September 1789 - East part of a certain  tract of land bounded by Thomas Sparks.
 In Witness were of the Said John Davice Hath hereunto set his hand.
 Will Bethell X                                                Jn X Davissd (his mark)                   John Charles


Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019707 Book F 1798-1800  Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed FHC Las Vegas April 10/03
Page 113

This Indenture made the 29th day of January in the year of Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety Nine Between Aron Cantril in the County of Rockingham and State of NC of the one Part and Clement Whittemore with the Same County and State aforesaid of the other part   Witneffeth that the Said Aron Cantrill for and in consideration to him in the Sum of Sixteen pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence Current Lawful Money in the Hand paid at and before the Signing and Sealing of these presents whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and discharge grant Bargain and Sell to Clement Whittemore thirty acres of land situate lying and being on the Waters of Wolf Island Creek in the county aforesaid...lands bounded by William John's land to Whittemore's original Tract.
Signed in Presents of: Jacob Cantrell    Aaron Cantrell     Lewis W. Whittemore       Elizabeth Whittemore


Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019707 Book F 1798-1800  Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed FHC Las Vegas April 10/03
P. 36

17 Oct. 1798 Isaac Cantril and Clement Whittmore Deed 550   A Isaac Cantril of County of Spartanburg of South Carolina of the first part and Clement Whittemore of the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina of the other part.  For the sum of Two Hundred Pounds Virginia currency ...five hundred 7 fifty acres on Waters of Wolf Island Creek.
Land had been granted to Nathaniel Hart by Deed Feb. 20, 1756 and then sold to Isaac Cantril.
In present of  Patrick Warlow X          Jn. Martin    Isaac Cantril (Seal)          John Bankson

 (Deed was ripped, ink blots and dark and overwritten.)


Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019708 Book L 1803-04 Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed FHC Las Vegas April 11/03
P. 10
#866 Lovelefs, Young from Mcallum Isaac deed

This Indenture made this (big blank not filled in) in the year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred Between Isaac McCollum of Wake County and State of  North Carolina of the one part and Young Lovelefs of Rockingham County and State aforesaid of the other part, witnefseth that the Said Isaac McCollum  for and in consideration of the Sum of Four hundred and 47 dollars hath contracted bargained and Sold unto the Said Young Lovelefs of the County
and State aforesaid a certain tract or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the Said County of Rockingham an abutted and bounded as follows
Begining at a poplar on the West bank of Hogans Creek Thence West along William Bethells line 74 poles to a hickory thence North along his line again crofsing of one branch 60 poles to a red oak thence with another of his lines south 70 Degrees west crofsing of two branches 220 poles to a hickory thence down a branch South 55D East 62 poles Thence down the branch South 30 D East to a beach at the forks of the branch 40 poles Thence East down the branch to a sweet gum have and to hold and peaceably enjoy the aforesaid premises together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and the said Isaac McCollum for himself and his heirs and every of them do warrant and forever defend the premises unto the said Young Lovelefs.  In Witnefs whereof the Said Isaac McCollum hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal This day and year first above written.

 Sighned sealed in presents of Isaac McCollum (Seal)  Thornton Lynn  George McClain ?ripped off MCCollum                        

 Deed before this was dated Mar 23, 1803, deed after was dated 1802  It could be Nov 1800 but am not sure.

Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019708   Book K        Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed April 11 , 03 FHC Las Vegas
Pages 98/99

This Indenture made the first day of November in the year of Our Lord Christ Eighteen hundred and four Between David McCollum of the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina of the one Part and Leavin Ready of
> the County and State aforesaid witnefseth that the Said David McCollum for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred & twenty five dollars to him in hand paid by the said Leavin Ready the Receipt hereof acknowledged hath contracted bargained & sold unto the Said Leavin Ready a certain Tract or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County aforesaid - the water of Jacobs Creek Begining at a black oak Saplin Abraham Philips line Thence
> North one hundred poles crofsing one branch to a hickory saplin Thence west along Shadrack ? Line cfofsing one of the branches of Masses (might be Mafses) Creek one hundred and thirty poles to a post oak saplin Thence South (word ripped out) hundred poles to Two black oak saplins Thence East to and with Abraham Philips line one hundred and Sixty poles to the first Station containing one hundred acres be the same more of lefs to have and to Hold and peaceable enjoy the aforesaid one hundred acres of Land, together wiht all houses orchards woods ways waters mines minerals hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to the said Lands and premises and the said David Mcollum his heirs doth covenant and agree to and with the Leavin Ready his heirs and afsigns to warrant and
> forever defend the right title cliam and interest of the aforesaid one hundred acres of Land and premises unto the aforesaid Leavin Ready his heirs and afsigns forever In witnefs whereof I have herewith set my hand & affixed my Seal in the day and year first above written
 Signed Sealed and Delivered
 In presents of   David MCollum (Seal)   Alen Mclaran     John Saunders   JohnDillon                                                      Deed acknowledged in court.


Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019715   Book N        Wentworth 1818-10
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed April 1 , 03 FHC Las Vegas
Pages 55/56

Thrahser Isaac from Johnston Collester Deed 100 Acres Land

This Indentue made this twenty seventh day of January in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight, between Collaster Johnston of the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina of the one part & Isaac Thrasher of the County of Greene and State of Georgia of the part; Witnefseth that the said Collester Johnston for an inconsideration of the sum of four hundred dollars in hand paid the receipt whereof acknowledge, hath given the Said Isaac Thrasher a Tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres.  Begining at a red oak William Bethell line East to a hickory grub and thence round for that complement. .... In Witnefs whereof I the said Collester Johnston hath hereunto set my hand and Seal to the day above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of  Isaciah X Hanicock his mark Collester X Johnston (seal) Augustin Browder X  State of No Carolina  His Mark
Feby Sefsionz 1809      This within deed from Collister Johnston to Isaac Thrasher was duly proved in open court on the oath of Augustin C. Browder and ordered to be recorded. Ro. Gallaway C.

Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019715   Book N        Wentworth 1818-10
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed April 30, 03 FHC Las Vegas
Pages 339
No. 1597 Browder Richard from Browder Isham & Wife Power of Attorney

Know all Men by these presents that we Isham Browder and Martha Browder his wife both of the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina, have for good cause to us moving, have nominated authorized, ordained and
appointed, and so by these presents authorize ordain and appoint our friend Richard Browder of the County of Dunwiddia and commonwealth of Virginia to act make over convey and confirm a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the said County of Dunwiddia and common wealth aforesaid and the waters of the Gravity Run and contains about two hundred acres of Land And we the said Isham Browder and Martha Browder for our selves  our Heirs Executors and administrators do make over convey and confirm unto the Said Richard Browder full power and absolute authority to sell and dispose make over convey and confirm at his will and pleasure s sure and good Right and title As the aforesaid Land and premises as above described to whom soever he may think proper as Full and ample in every Respect as we could do were we personally present, To all which matter and things We the said Isham Browder and the Said Martha Browder for our selves our heirs Executors and Administrators firly by these presents.  Seal with our Seal and date this Day of         In the year 1808 (no day or date filled in)
> Signed Sealed and Acknowledged            Isham Browder (Seal)
> In the presents of Martha Browder (Seal) Augustin C Browder  Thos Winston X  Joseph MClain    

May Sefsions1810

Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019713   Book 2F        Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed April 1 , 03 FHC Las Vegas
Pages 374/375

No 5387 William Yours from John Larken Deed in Trust

 This Indenture made on the 14th day of August One Thousand and Thirty Four Between John Larkin of the County of Rockingham State of North Carolina on the first Part and William H. Lowe of the County and state aforesaid on
the Second part and William Yours of the county and State aforesaid on the third part - WITNEFSETH that Laid Larkin in Justly debt to the Said Yours in the sum of One hudnred Dollars and Twenty Cents as Reference to a Certain Bond or note bearing ...?.even ...? with these presents will more fully at Large appear and whereas the said Larkin desires to Secure the payment of Said Debt now therefore this Indenture Witnefseth that for and in consideration of ? Together with the further consideration of the sum of One Dollar the Said Larkin hath granted bargained and Sell unto the Said William H. Lowe Certain Tract of Land lying in the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina on the Waters of Big Rock House and Containing five hundred Acres more or lefs Joining the Lands of Abraham Philips, Reuben Johnston Tho> Lyttle and others to know and To Hold the Said land and premisez and all Singular Tenements Hereditaments Woods ways and Waters mines Minerals and Improvements afsies and profits Remainers Revisions Privileges Appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the Said William H Lowe his heirs executors and Administrators in Fee simple forever free and discharge of any and all Incumbrances whatsoever and the Said Larkin the purpose herein before Set Forth for and in consideration of the Sum of One Hundred Dollars to Him in Hand Said Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Doth bargain Sell and by these presents (?) Sell Said William H Lowe the followng Negro Slaves (Verg) ....not readable for several words...the Right and title of which Said Negro Slaves he doth Warrant to Defend to the Said William H. Lowe against the Claim or Claim of any persons whatso ever in fee simple Trust & Confidence and apply the same to the debts and intents following and no other (that is to the aforesaid debt every part thereof Together with the lawful interest that may have auried on the same) The Said William S Yours having first advertized the Same at the Courthouse in the town of Wentworth and three other Publeck placez within the County of Rockingham for the space of Twenty Days to preceed to sell   the Said Land & Negroes at Publeck Auction to the highest bidder for cash and carry this Same by proper and sufficent ...about five words blotted out...and the proceeds or monies arising from Said Sale to be returned to pay the debts with Expenses of this trust and Indenture.
In Testimoney whereof the Said Partiz have hereto set their hand and Seal this Day and Date above written
Signed Sealed and Delivered  John Larkin (Seal) in Presents of William H Lowe William McCollum William S.Yours
State of North Carolina Rockingham County                   August the 14 1835
Trust is executed at this Seffionz

Abstract of deed
Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019713   Book H 1837-38 Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed April 17, 03 FHC Las Vegas
Pages 40/41

Very Hard to read so abstracted this deed
No. 5557 Harvey Moon From Daniel McCollum Deed 150 Acres of Land

 This Indenture made this day 27 August One Thousand and eight hundred and thirty Six Between Daniel McCollum in the County of Rockingham State of North Carolina of the One part and Henry Moore of the county and State aforesaid of the second part for the Said McCollum for and in Consideration to him in the Sum of Four Hundred Dollars in hand paid the Receipt thereof He doth Acknowledge ...grant and sell unto Henry Moore his Heirs & afsignz one Hundred and fifty Acres of Land lying on the waters of Jacobs Creek, by William Shriver's Corner to Dan Moseley's line to William Williams Corner to the First Station and containing One Hundred and fifty acres of land more or lefz.
 Witnesses:    Daniel McCollum (Seal)   James McCollum   Robert McCollum

Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019718   Book 2W 1861-64 Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed April 25, 03 FHC Las Vegas
Pages 14

 I  James Roberts Sheriff of Said County in obedience to annexed writ attend with the following Jury of good and lawful men to wit: HC Fuller, David Purcell, DM Woolen, George Coleman, Hix Moore, Hurley Smith, John Lucas, Brown Dye, John Griffin, Geo W Purcell, Robert Thomas & Smith Moore.
After Being duly sworn according to law proceeded on the 15 Day of August 1860 to lay off & allot to Susan E. Whittemore Widow of Wm. Whittemore decd Such dower as She is entitled to by law in the Lands of Said deceased with the following meets and bounds to wit - Begining in the Center of the Road thence West along the original line 101 poles to a Chesnut thence North 98 poles to another chesnut in Robert Thomas line 213/4 poles Each on Said
line 12 poles to a Hickory Thence North on Said line 213/2 poles to a Stake. Each 3/4 poles to the Road Thence with the road to the begining and contains 573/4 acres of land and have proceeded to put her permission of the Same Given under our hands and Seals the day and date above first written.
Test   John B Lucas  Brown Dye  John Griffin J. Roberts Sheriff Geo W. Purcell  Robt X Thomas Smith Moore     His Mark    H C Fuller  David Purcell  D M Woollen    Geo X Coleman Hix Moon  Heurly Smith  His Mark


Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records
Film 0019718   Book 2X 1864-6 Wentworth
Film from Family History Library Salt Lake City
Transcribed April 24, 03 FHC Las Vegas
Pages 171-72

 This Indenture Made & Entered nto this the 16 day of May A.D. 1866 between William S. Yours of the one part & Powhatton D. McCollum of the Second Part both of the County of Rockingham and State of North Carolina.
 Witnefseth that whereas the Said William S. Yours is Justly indebted as follows to Wit & to the Said Powhatton D. McCollum in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars due by Bond dated the 11 day of August 1859 subject to a credit (?) Of One hundred Dollars paid 27th day of November 1861 to Mary S. Gallaway in a Bond the Said P.D. McCollum & William McCollum are (ripped out) to Josiah F. Taylor in the sum of Twelve hundred & forty seven dollars by Bond due the 2nd day of May 1861 in Which Powhattan D. McCollum is surity & another Bond to the said Josiah F. Taylor for the sum of Three hundred Dollars or thereabouts to which P.D. McCollum is surity the date not recollected to Mrs. Martha Whittemore widow of Clement Whittemore, deed in the sum of Seven hundred & Seventy seven dollars or thereabout due by Bond the date not recollected.  To Mary Martin Decd's estate a Bond on which R.A. Ellington is surity the amount & date not recollected subject to several creits to William Cummings on a Bond for One Thousand Dollars dated 3rd day of May 1859 reduced by Payment to nine hundred and thirteen Dollars thereabouts on which Wm M. Ellington P D McCollum are surities to John H. Dillard in a Bond of forty five Dollars or thereabout is whereas also the source William S Yours was Guardian of Alvis Simpson & Peter Simpson & as such is indebted to them or to their afsigned in a large sum money the amounts whereof may be made out by reference to his returns to eh County of Rockingham and whereas the Said William S. Yours is hertly? Deserved & willing to secure the payment of all the Said debts with the interest thereon.  Now therefore this Indenture witnefeth that the Said William S Yours for & in consideration fo the premisez & the further consideration of the sum of one dollar to him in hand Paid the P D McCollum the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given, granted, bargained & sold unto the Said Powhatten D Mc Collum the following real & personal property (to Wit)  All the tract of Land now owned by William S Yours Situate in Rockingham County on Jacob's Creek all in one body adjoining the Lands of Abel Williams, P D McCollum and John R Rainer containing by estimation Seven Hundred & forty four acrez this being all the Land belonging to William S.
Yours embracing two hundred acres sold heretofore to Callender Smith for which he has a little Bond as to which the said Smith is to have the right to make payments to the Trustee of the purchase money provided he does so before the day of the Sale hereinafter mentioned in which event the money is to be applied as the proceeds of the property herein conveyed is directed to be applied: two horses, Fly & Bill, five head of cattle, all of his stock of hogs & sheep with their increase.  All of his House & kitchen furniture of every description Two Sets of Blacksmith's tools one wagon, one buggy, one half of a threshing machine all his geer & farming tools of every kind all of the crop of Tobacco made on the land this year that is to Day his part of the crop by way of Rent all other articles of property he may own whither herein mentioned or not.
 The Said Real & personal property to the Said P D McCollum forever   In Special Trust & confidences neverthlefs that the Said Powhatton D McCollum shall & will apply the said property both real & personal to the following uses & interest and to none other, that is to say that if the aforesaid Debt with the interest shall not be fully paid off and discharged before the first day of November next it shall be lawful & shall be the duty of the Said Powhatan D Mcollum being thereunto requested by any creditor herein secured having first advertized the same at the courthouse door in
Wentworth & three other public places to sell the said Land & other property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash selling the land in small tracts to suit purchaserz which he is hereby authorized to have surveyed & divided
up before the day of the Sale to the end that the buyers may know how to bid. Money from the Sale: Ten dollars to John H. Dillard for drawing up this Indenture, other expenses Powhatan McCollum Shal first retain & pay off all the debts due to himself as also the debts he is surity.
14 May 1866
A.P. Smith
William S. Yours
 Powhatton D. McCollum
 Trust is duly acknowledged by Yours and entered into record.


Murphy, Wm from Morehead, John Deed 55

Rockingham Co. NC  Deed Records  1802-1803  Wentworth
Film  0019708  Family History Library  Salt Lake City
Book K  Page 42
This Indenture made this the 28th Day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and four between John Morehead of the county of Rockingham State of North Carolina of the one Part and William Murphy of the same county and State of the other part, Witnefseth that the said John Morehead for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said William Murphy the receipt whereof the Said John Morehead doth hereby acknowledge, hath contracted, bargained and sold unto the Said William Murphy his heirz and afsigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate it lying and being in the said County on Burchfields Fork, containing and bounded as followz, Firzt Begining at a Spanish Oak Thence North one hundred and Twenty six poles to a ash in the old line, Thence East on the same line to a red oak thence South two hundred and Twenty Six Poles to a white oak in the old line Thence West to teh begining containing fifty five acres be the same more or lefs to have and to hold and peaceabley enjoy the Said 50 acres of Land Together with all houses Orchards Woods Waters and Every thing thereunto belonging or appertaining to the Said Land and premises, and the Said John Morehead for himself  his heirz and write warrant and forever defend the rights titles claims and Interest of the said land to him the Said William Murphy his heirs and afsigns forever   In Witnefs the Said John Morehead hath set his hand and seal this day and year above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered                                      Jn  Morehead (Seal)
In the presents of
W. Bethell



Rockingham County North Carolina Deed Records


Book Q Film 0019709

Pages 126/127

No. 2328

Whittemore clement from Walker Allen Deed for 200 Acres of Land

This Indenture made the 11 Day of October of the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and fifteen Between Allen Walker of Rockingham county and State of North Carolina of the one part and Clement Whittemore Senior of the county and State Aforesaid of the other part witnefseth that the Said Allen Walker for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Clement Whittemore at or before the signing, sealing and delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof he doth acknowledge myself there with fully satisfied contented and paid hath granted bargained and sold aliened enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell alien enfloff—and confirm unto the said Clement Whittemore his heirs and afsignz forever one certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the Said County of Rockingham on the South side of Dan River containing by Elimination two hundred acres be the same more or lefz and bounded as followeth to wit:

Begining at a walnut tree standing on the River at the mouth of Mafsz Creek? Thence South by a line of marked trees to a corner oak in Joel Walkers Old line thence west along his line to Gideon Johnsoz corner thence along his line to a white oak on the River Bank, thence down the River by it meanderz to the first station began at....To Have and to Hold the Said tract and parcel of land to the said Clement Whittemore and his heirs forever....

In witnefs whereof the Said Allen Walker hath hereunto set his hand and Affixed his seal the day and year above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presents Allen Walker (Seal)

Sterling Whittemore

Thos Moore

Abraham Whittemore

State of North Carolina May Sefsion 1816

County of Rockingham

Proved in open Court by oath of Sterling Whittemore and on motion ordered to be recorded.


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