Queries & Lookups

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Rowan County Reference Books Lookup Volunteers




To request a lookup from any of the references, click on the address of
the owner and ask them politely. Also be sure to thank them as they are
volunteering their time and expertise.

If you have access to Rowan County resources, or have such resources in your personal collection, please volunteer to help others by listing your name and resource on this page.



Reference/Author Owner/Email
1850 Rowan Co. Census (photocopy of original)
by US Census Bureau
Berna Stillwell
Carolina Cradle
by Robert W. Ramsey
Elizabeth Harris
Frances Reed
Thyatira Church Cemetary 1755-1983
by Thyatira Church
Mollie McConnaughey Matthews
Marriage indexes: CD# 4 and CD#229
by Family Tree Maker
Barbara Compton
Rowan County, North Carolina, marriage records
1754-1866, Vol. 1, names A-F
by Frances T. Ingmire
Jackie Harral
Rowan County, North Carolina, marriage records
by Brent H. Holcomb
Georgia Bristol
Rowan County, NC, Vacant Land Entries 1778-1789
by Richard A. Enochs
Frances Reed
A History of Rowan County
by Rev. Jethro Rumple
Mollie McConnaughey Matthews
To Dwell Together in Unity, Unity Presbyterian Church, Woodleaf, NC, 1788-1988
by The (Unity Presbyterian Church) Bicentenial Committee, 1988
Julie Hampton Ganis
Large (34,000) personal data base of Rowan/Cabarrus connected names Larry Hayer