Descendants of William Robinson, Sr.
Descendants of William Robinson, Sr.
Generation No. 1
1. WILLIAM1 ROBINSON, SR. was born Bef. 1743, and died Aft. 1790.
In 1782, Jesse Johnston sold a piece of his father's, William Johnston's,
estate to William Robinson. William Robinson and William Robinson, Jr.
were both witnesses to a number of Johnston deeds. William Robinson,
probably Jr., witnessed the undated will of William Johnston (2nd generation).
However, there is not enough evidence to prove that William Robinson married
the daughter of William Johnston. Both William Robinson, Sr. and William
Johnston lived on Six Runs Creek.
There are 2 William Robinsons and a William Robinson Jr. listed on the 1790
Sampson County census.
There are 2 William Robinsons, age 26-45 on the 1800 Sampson County
census. The families of both younger William Robinson's are known, but it is
unclear which younger William Robinson family should be listed in this report.
Despite the fact that there were 2 William Robinsons in 1790, all deeds quoted
here mention Six Runs Creek and therefore all deeds appear to belong to the
subject of this report.
William Robinson and William Robinson, Jr. are listed on the same 1790
census page as Joshua Johnston.
Further notes on Johnston: As shown from Sampson deed records, Jesse
Johnston sold portions of his
father's, William Johnston's, land to Jacob Johnston and Joel Johnston in
1778, and to William Robinson in 1782.
Jacob Johnston purchased 150 acres, Joel Johnston purchased 100 acres,
and William Robinson purchased 150 acres. The "land was part of a tract of
400 acres granted to Thomas Devane by patent dated 20 May 1741 and
Conveyed to John Rackly by the said Thomas Devaughan by deed bearing
date (11 June 1763) and conveyed to the aforesaid William Johnston deceased
by ... John Rackly by deed bearing date (11 October 1765) which said land
descended to the said Jesse Johnston being heir at law to my father the
aforesaid William Johnston deceased."
All quoted Sampson-Duplin deeds are from "Abstracts Sampson-Duplin Deeds,
Books 1-3, 1750 to 1774" by Max R. Peterson Jr., "Abstracts Samptson-Duplin
Deeds, books 4-6, 1762 to 1779" by Max R. Peterson Jr., and
"Abstracts Sampson-Duplin and Sampson County Deeds, books 7-9, 1780 to
1794" by Max R. Peterson Jr.:
Sampson-Duplin deeds - Book 1, page 427:
William Atkeison to William Robinson (a trader), dated 24 March 1763, Trans:
12 pounds for 100 acres "in the Fork of the Six Runs and Coheary," Deed
mentions the bridge, Land was part of a tract granted to Charles Gavin by
patent dated 5 Octoer 1751.
Witnesses: Drewry Atkeison and Phebe Vann.
Sampson-Duplin deeds - Book 3, page 250:
George Jamason to William Robinson (a "trader) of Bladen County). Dated:
24 February 1762, Trans: 60 pounds for 100 acres "On the West of the Six
Runs and in the fork of Coheary and the Six Runs." Deed mentions
Pole Bridge Branch and "the Bridge," Land was the "Other plantation in the
Occupation of William Grantham and by him conveyed to the said George
Witnesses: John Treadwell and William Vann.
Deed was proven or acknowledged in court in May 1762.
Sampson-Duplin deeds - Book 3, page 592:
Mary Grantham to William Robinson (Mary Grantham was "otherwise Mary
Vann" and a widow.) Dated: 4 November 1774, Trans: 5 pounds for 100
acres "on the West side of the six Runs and in the fork of Cohary and
the six Runs...Being part of a tract of land formerly granted to Charles
Gavin." Deed mentions "Poll Bridge Branch," and "the Bridge," Tract was
"the land and plantation in the occupation of the said William Robinson
which said land was made over to William Law by deed by Joseph Bevan
and by the said William Lee (sic) made over to Mary Grantham by the name
of Mary Vann by deed bearing date "13 Dedember 1760.
2 19 June 2008 10:04 AM
Witnesses: Henry Vann and Robert Robins.
William Robinson is mentioned in a deed from Edmond Matthis to William
Vann dated 18 July 1774 (That's all it says "he was mentioned.")
Sampson-Duplin deeds - Book 4, page 156:
William Atkeison to William Robinson. Dated: 19 July 1768. Trans: 45
pounds for 200 acres "on the East side of the Six Runs between leas and
John Racklye land."
Witnesses: Felix Kenan and Robert Balnshard.
Deed was acknowledged at Edenton in May of 1767.
Sampson-Duplin deeds - Book 6, page 181:
William Vann to William Robinson. Dated: 3 March 1778. Trans: 250
pounds for 200 acres "on the East side of the Six Runs beginning at a pine
in the Piney woods." Deed mentions William Johnston, "his own lands," and
Michael's Branch. Land was grantd to Edmund Matthis by patent dated 24
May 1773 and sold by him to William Vann by deed dated 18 Jul 1774.
Wit: Henry Vann and Timothy Hatcher.
Deed was proven or acknowledged in October Court of 1778.
Deed was registered 20 September 1783.
Sampson-Duplin deeds - Book 5, page 379:
William Robinson (a merchant) to Matthew Stevens. Dated: 1 Mar 1776.
Trans: 20 pounds for 100 acres "on the West side of the six Runs on both
sides of the Tarklin Branch." Deed mentions Charles Gavin. Land was granted
to the said William Robinson by patent dated 22 December 1768.
Witnesses: Henry Vann and William Fryer.
Deed was proven or acknowledge in April Court of 1777.
Deed was registered 13 October 1778.
Sampson-Duplin deeds - Book 6, page 249: William Robinson (Robeson)
to William Vann. Dated: 8 September 1778. Trans: pounds
for two tracts of land. First tract consisted of 100 acres "on the West(?)
side of the six Runs and in the fork of Cohary and the six Runs." William
Robinson owned the land by virtue of a deed from George Jameson dated
24 September 1762. Second tract consisted of 100 acres "in the fork of
and adjoining the abovesaid tract." Deed mentions Gavin's back
line. Wit: William Robinson and Robert Rollilns. A Receipt follows the deed.
Deed was registered 25 Septemer 1783.
Sampson-Duplin Deeds, Book 7, page 468:
Jesse Johnston to William Robinson - 21 Sept 1782 - 30 pounds "good
and lawfull money of the State" for 150 acres "On the South side of a
branch of Black River now Called the Six Runs Beginning ... near the
Six Runs Thomas Herringtons Corner." The tract adjoined "his Own
land" and was "taken out of a tract of land Containing (400) acres of land
granted to Thomas Devaughn of New Hanover County Bearing date (20 May
1740) it Being the land and plantation Now in my Occupation."
Witnesses: William (Will) Robinson, Jr. and Joel Johnston.
Sampson-Duplin Deeds Witnessed by William Robinson:
William Grantham to William Vann, 23 Oct 1764
Jesse Herrick to Robert Hatcher, 6 Aug 1766
John Rogers to John Rackley, date blank
Job Rogers to William Toler, registered 10 Apr 1789
John Herring to John McGee, 17 Nov 1757
Joseph Register to William Vann, 10 Oct 1772
Daniel Fowler to John Pridgen, 22 Apr 1774
William Stewart(of Bladen) to Solomon Johnson, 17 Oct 1768
James Richie to William Grantham, 7 Sep 1769
Nathan Tyler to Mary Boykin (spinster), 18 Oct 1769
James Cook to Benjamin Register, 9 Jan 1771
John Sampson (esq.) to James Sampson (his nephew), 16 Jul 1768
Daniel Hilburn to Benjamin Reigster, 27 Mar 1771
John Pridgen to Joshua Rackly, 19 Feb 1771
Benjamin Blackburn to James West (Bladen Co.), 11 Jul 1771
3 19 June 2008 10:04 AM
James West to Jacob Warren, 20 Apr 1773
John Wallford to Jacob Warren, 8 Oct 1773
David Harvell to William Fryer, 3 Oct 1776
William Robinson to William Vann, 8 Sep 1778 (witnessed by William
Robinson - probably son)
Matthew Johnston (of New Hanover) to Michael Merritt, 14 Feb 1794
James Peacock (of Cumberland Co.) to John Treadwell, Sr., 16 Jan 1794
Joseph Register, Sr. to Thomas Register, 29 Sep 1780
William Harvill (Howell) to William Johnston, 5 Oct 1782 - Wit: William
Robinson Sr., & William Robinson, Jr.
Jesse Johnston to William Robinson, 21 Sep 1782 - Wit: William (Will)
Robinson Jr.
Solomon Johnston to Ephraim Johnston, 18 Oct 1783
The following patents are from:
Margaret M. Hofmann, Print-Tech, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1984,
purchased from Margaret M. Hofmann, $42.00
150 pg. 161 WILLIAM ROBINSON - 16 April 1765 - 500 acres in Duplin on the
E. side of the Six Runs, joining the bank of the Creek, the Great Meadow,
Johnstons line, Robinsons own lines, and Atkinsons lines.
916 pg. 309 WILLIAM ROBINSON - 26 September 1766 - 395 acres in
Duplin on the E. side of the Six Runs, joining (a point) above Robinsons own
land and the bank of the creek.
1432 pg. 404 THOMAS RODGERS - 23 December 1768 - 350 acres in Duplin
between the six runs and Clear run near WILLIAM ROBINSON, joining
SOLOMON JOHNSTON and Horse pen Branch.
4616 pg. 265 EDMUND MATHIS - 24 May 1773 - 200 acres in Dup;in on the
E. side of the Six Runs Creek, joining the Piney Woods, WILLIAM JOHNSTON,
WM. ROBINSON, Michael's branch, and the side of the sd. creek.
6985 pg. 324 WILLIAM ROBINSON - 22 December 1768 - 100 acres in Duplin
on the W. side of the six Runs on both sides of the Tarr kiln Branch, joining
CHARLES GAVIN and the sd. creek.
8335 pg. 6 WILLIAM ROBINSON - 22 July 1774 - 150 acres in Duplin on the
E. side of the six Runs, joining Robinsons own Land and the mouth of Michaels
The following court records are from:
A Portrait Of Eighteenth Century Sampson County as revealed by Sampson
County Courty Minutes 1784-1800.
Compiled and Edited by Oscar M. Bizzell and Virginia L. Bizzell for The
Sampson County Historical Society.
Post Office Box 384, Newton Grove, NC 28366. Copyright 1995.
Page 4 - 20 Sep 1784, DEEDS, A deed from William Robinson to Timothy
Hatcher for 200 acres was proved in open court by the oath of William Vann
and ordered to be registered.
NOTE: Based on the entries below, it appears the "other William Robinson"
on the 1790 Sampson census is the son of George Robinson.
Page 66 - 14 Aug 1787, ROBINSON ESTATE: William Robinson prays letters
of administration on the estate of his deceased father and it is granted. He
tenders William Vann, Esquire, George Bell, Sr., and Jonathan Parker as
his sureties who are approved. Ordered they enter into bond in the sum of
5000 pounds. Bond filed. The said William Robinson came into court and
took the oaths by law required.
Page 79 - 13 May 1788, ROBINSON ESTATE: The committee appointed
last court to divide the estate of George Robinson, deceased, amongst his
representatives not having made a report of their proceedings on
account of their not having met, it is ordered that Jonathan
Parker, Thomas Register and William Vann, Esquires, be a committee to
divide the estate of the said deceased and make report thereof to the next
1790, Sampson County NC census:
4 19 June 2008 10:04 AM
William Robinson
1 male > 16
1 male < 16
1 female
5 slaves
Next door neighbors are Biggers Mobley and Absalom Merritt.
Joshua Johnston is 15 households further down the page.
William Robinson Jr. is 17 households further down the page.
i. WILLIAM2 ROBINSON, JR., b. December 1764, Duplin County, NC.
William Robinson gave testimony for the Revolutionary War pension of
Timothy Hatcher in 1833. Timothy Hatcher was a close neighbor of
William Robinson based on the 1790 census and as shown in deeds.
William Robinson's birth can be estimated as Dec 1764 based on the
below pension abstract.
State of North Carolina, Sampson County
"On this the 29th day of November 1833 ... personally appeared William
Robinson a resident of said county of Sampson aged sixty eight years
last December who being first duly sworn doth on his oath depose and
say, that he is acquainted with Timothy Hatcher the aforesaid applicant
a resident of New Hanover county N.C who is very aged, ....."
William Robinson Jr.
1 male > 16
9 slaves
Next door neighbors are James Robinson and David Rainer.