Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

October Session 1782

Ordered that Joseph Alexander Senr. guardian to the orphans of Joshua Alexander deceased take into his possession all the rights and credits and priviledges of said orphans to the lands and tenements and that the said Alexander guardain render his account for sd orphans to next court.

Ordered that Joshua Alexander & Benjn. Hassell be cited to render an account of the disbursements and value belonging to the orphans of Joshua Alexander deceased and make returns to next court.

January Session 1783

Ordered that Joshua Alexander pay unto Joseph Alexander guardian to the orphans of Joshua Alexander deceased the sum of 13 pounds specie.

April Session 1783

Ordered that Joseph Alexander Senr. guardian to the orphans of Joshua Alexander deceased appear on the second day of our next court to make known & settle all the accounts with respect to the orphans of the said deceased.

July Session 1783

Appeared in open court Joseph Alexander Senr. & exhibited an account against the estate of Joshua Alexander and there appears a sum of 11 pounds, 13 shillings & 8 pence due the said Joseph Alexander Senr. & ordered to be filed.

October Session 1783

Ordered that the administrator and guardian of Joshua Alexander deceased deliver into the hands of Joseph Poole all & singular the right & property of the said Joshua Alexander deceased estate and that the said Joseph Poole make return to next court.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.03), Box 3
Alexander, Joshua, 1783

Acct of the heirs of Joshua Alexander to Joseph Alexander guardian [on fly leaf]
L. Alligator, Tyrrell County
The heirs of Joshua Alexander deceased Do
To Joseph Alexander guardian appointed for them
To expenses attending three courts & ferrages L 3-0-0
To the clerks & sherriffs fees for -----ing out the orders of court & summons the securities for the estate Joshua Alexander 0-11-4
To the expenses of ejecting Jno. Alexander 7-15-9
To the expenses of an execution on the ejectment 0-14-0
To expenses & any time attending the jury at the ejectment & treating the jury 0-16-0
To paid Coll. Warrington on acct of Joseph Alexander Jr. 2-0-0
Errors excepted L14-17-1
Contra cr
By 5 yds saggathea and a powder flask 3-3-5
Balance due Jos Alexander 11-13-9
Proved in open court by the said Joshua Alexander Sr. July Term 1783 and ordered to be filed. Test Mackey

Coll. H. Spruill's administration bond at July Term 1785 on the estate of Joshua Alexander son of Benjamin deceased. Ink for everything but signatures faded out. Jos. Spruill & John Warrington were securities.

Division of the estate of Joshua Alexander and audit of the accounts of Hezekiah Spruill Esq., administrator of Joshua Alexander deceased dated 29 Aug 1786 by James Anderson & Francis Cummins. Thomas Mann was paid 1/4 part of the balance of the estate. The remaining 3/4 of the balance of the estate to remain in the hands of Hezekiah Spruill to be hereafter paid to Ann Mead, the orphan of Benjn. Alexander and John Spooner.

Transcriber's Notes:

It is possible that there are two different Joshua Alexanders referred to by these records.

The 1790 will of Thomas Mann cites his wife as being Christan Mann. Court minutes and loose estate papers in 1764 cite Christian Alexander as a daughter of Benjamin Alexander. Since Joshua Alexander was a son of this same Benjamin Alexander, it appears he died before marriage and his siblings were his heirs.

The 1764 court minutes and loose estate papers also cite Anne Alexander as a daughter of Benjamin Alexander.

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Updated May 23, 2024
Charles W. Barnes