North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.03), Box 3
Alexander, Robert Senr., 1835

Bond dated 24 Jul 1826 in the amount of 250 pounds appointing John Alexander guardian to Robert Alexander, minor orphan, Jno. Roughton & Pledger Melson securities.

Court order to the Sheriff dated the fourth Monday in October 1829 and issued 10 Dec 1829 to summon John Alexander to appear in court on the fourth Monday in January next to renew his guardian bond to Robert Alexander, orphan, and exhibit his account or the court will appoint another guardian. He was appointed guardian to Robert Alexander at July Term 1826.

Bond dated 28 Jul 1835 in the amount of two thousand dollars appointing Joseph Pledger administrator of the estate of Robert Alexander deceased, George H. Alexander & Richard A. Meekins securities.

Petition October Term 1836 by John Alexander showing that he was appointed administrator of the estate of Robert Alexander Junr. and that as one of the distributees of Robert Alexander Senr. deceased your petitioner's intestate was & your petitioner is entitled to some amount of estate now in the hands of Joseph Pledger, the administrator of said Robert Alexander Senr., but precisely what amount is to your petitioner unknown. Petitioner shows that considerable estate came into the hands of said Pledger as administrator of said Robert Senr. and that he has repeatedly requested him to account with your petitioner for so much as justly belongs to the estate of your petitioner's intestate. He prays that the said Joseph Pledger answer his petition, set forth in a true account of the amount of estate received by him of the said Robert Senr. and pay over to petitioner as much thereof he may be entitled to receive in behalf of the said Robert Alexander Junr.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in October 1836 for Joseph Pledger to appear in court on the fourth Monday in January next to answer the cpmplaint of Jno. Alexander.

Answer January Term 1837 by Joseph Pledger, administrator of Robert Alexander Senr., to the petition of John Alexander, administrator of Robert Alexander Junr. who admits his administration upon the estate of and that the petitioner duly administered on the estate of Robert Alexander Junr., but respondent doth not know nor does he admit that said Robert Alexander Junr. was entitled to any portion of the estate of said Robert Senr. Respondent therefore submits that said John shall be held to strict proof of the right of his intestate to receive any portion of the estate of Robert Alexander Senr. and prays that should the court decree him to pay over any portion of said property that he may be duly indemnified. Respondent further says that petitioner should not have and recover any portion of property which rightfully belonged to said Robert Alexander Junr. because he believes petitioner seeks to recover not for the benefit of the distributees of said Robert Alexaber Junr. but for the purpose of paying an alleged debt for the board of Robert Alexander Junr., whereas your respondent has understood and is ready to prove that he is entitled to nothing therefor, having agreed to board him gratuitously for the affection he bore him, he and the said Robert Alexander Junr. being close relatives. Respondent prays to be dismissed with costs.

Summons dated 4th Monday of Jan 1837 for Frederic Davenport to appear in court on the fourth Monday in April next and testify on behalf of Jno. Alexander administrator in a case in which Jno. Alexander administrator is plaintiff and Jos. Pledger administrator is defendant.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in January 1837 for Asa Etheridge, Devotion Tweedy, Edmon Bateman & Wm. Mann to appear at court on the fourth Monday in April next to testify on behalf of Jno. Alexander in a case in which Jno. Alexander is plaintiff and Jos. Pledger administrator is defendant.

Summons dated 4th Monday of Jul 1837 for Thos. Alexander & Hardy Alexander to appear in court on the fourth Monday in October next to testify on behalf of the plaintiff in a case in which Jno. Alexander is plaintiff and Jos. Pledger is defendant.

Copy of testimony in the case of Jno. Alexander administrator of Robert Alexander Junr. vs. Joseph Pledger administrator of Robert Alexander Senr. dated 18 Dec 1837:
Wm. Mann Esq., witness for the plaintiff, swore and proved that the amount paid over by the [unreadable] to Robert Alexander Senr. to Jos. Pledger, administrator of said Robert was $561 payment 28 Aug 1835 - - - It was admitted by the parties that there are five to heir the foregoing, provided the plaintiff's intestate is an heir.
Frederic Davenport, being sworn for the plaintiff, said that Robert Alexander Junr. was bound an apprentice to him and in January 1825 he absconded from him and shipped on board a vessel bound to the West Indies and that he has not heard from him since. At that time he was about fourteen or fifteen years old.
The clerk to whom the foregoing matter was referred reports that according to the evidence shown, the plaintiff has shown that his intestate is entitled to one fifth part of $561.37 with interest from 28 Aug 1835 which will amount to January Court 1838 to $130.54, which sum appears to have been received by the defendant, administrator of Robert Alexander.

Summons dated 4th Monday of Jan 1839 for Elijah P. Melson to appear in court on the fourth Monday in April next to testify on behalf of Jos. Pledger, administrator of Robert Alexander Senr., in a case in which Jno. Alexander is plaintiff and Jos. Pledger is defendant.

Summons dated 4th Monday of October 1839 for Elijah P. Melson to appear in court on the fourth Monday in April next to testify on behalf of Jos. Pledger, in a case in which Robert Alexander's administrator is plaintiff and Robert Alexander Senr. is defendant.

Affadavit dated May Term 1840 by Joseph Pledger in which he says that Elijah P. Melson is a material witness for him and essential to prove that plaintiff's intestate is not a distributee of the defendant's intestate. He has been summoned but has been absent without consent. Affiant expects to have the witness at next term.

Summons issued 4th Monday of Jul 1840 for H. G. Spruill to appear in court on the fourth Monday in October next to testify on behalf of the plaintiff in a case in which Jno. Alexander is plaintiff and Jos. Pledger is defendant.

Summons dated [blank] Jan 1841 for Jno. Owens & Benj. Alexander to appear in court on the fourth Monday in April next to testify on behalf of the plaintiff in a case in which Jno. Alexander is plaintiff and Jos. Pledger is defendant.

Transcriber's Notes:

The court minutes in the estate file of David Alexander (1819) reveal that Capt. John Alexander was appointed guardian to Robert Alexander, orphan of David Alexander deceased at July Term 1826. This Robert Alexander appears to be the Robert Alexander Junr. above.

The only other Robert Alexander appearing in records in the relevant time was the son of Abram and Sally Alexander. This appears to be the Robert Alexander Senr. above. See the 1816 court minutes and estate papers of Abram Alexander and the 1818 will, court minutes & estate papers of Sally Alexander. Also see the 1822 court minutes and estate papers of Michael Alexander.

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Updated May 27, 2024
Charles W. Barnes