North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.03), Box 3
Alexander, Thomas O., 1839

Bond dated 28 Jan 1839 in the amount of five thousand dollars appointing James I. Pledger administrator of the estate of Thomas O. Alexander deceased, Wm. Mann & John McClees securities.

Petition July Term 1839 by James I. Pledger, administrator of Thos. O. Alexander, who says that in order to satisfy the debts of the estate he must sell a negro slave. He prays an order to sell Luke.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in April 1839 and issued 26 Jun 1839 for James I. Pledger, administrator of Thos. O. Alexander, to appear in court the fourth Monday in July next to answer unto Joshua A. Pool in a plea of trespass on the case to his damage five hundred dollars.

Summons dated July 1839 for Daniel Hunnings & Benja. Alexander to appear in court on the fourth Monday in October next to testify on behalf of Jas. Pledger in a suit wherein Joshua A. Pool is plaintiff and Jas. Pledger, administrator of Thos. O. Alexander is defendant.

Bond dated 23 Jan 1841 in the amount of fifteen hundred and sixty dollars pledged to the state of North Carolina. James J. Pledger, administrator of Thomas O. Alexander has delivered over to Alexander Owens the following property (said Owens being a distributee thereof in the right of his wife) viz. slaves Demps of the value of $150, George of the value of $250, Jim of the value of $500 and Hager of about the value of $150 and also $609.99, it being the balance found due said Owens in right of his wife as distributee as aforesaid. If said Owens pays any debts or claims that may subsequently be brought against the estate, this instrument is null and void, but otherwise in full force. Abner Alexander & Nelson Alexander securities.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Thomas O. Alexander to Nancy Hunnings on 13 Jul 1836, Elijah P. Melson security; also Alexander Owens to Ann Alexander on 27 Apr 1840, A. Pledger security.

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Updated May 24, 2024
Charles W. Barnes