North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.05), Box 5
Ashbee, S. A., 1836

Summons dated 4 Apr 1836 for Jos. A. Spruill to appear in court on the fourth Monday in July next and testify on behalf of Fanny A. Spruill in a suit in which F. A. Spruill, devisee of S. A. Ashbee, is plaintiff and the relatives of said Ashbee are defendants. Flyleaf says Fanny A. Spruill vs. the heirs at law of S. M. Ashbee.

Transcriber's Notes:

The name on this estate is in error, it should be S. M. Ashbee. See the the 1836 will of Samuel M. Ashbee in which he leaves his estate to his sister, Fanny A. Spruill.

The 1832 will of Samuel Spruill shows a wife Fanny A. Spruill who was Fanny Pledger when he married her in 1830, obviously at least a second wife. She is known to have the maiden name Ashbee, so perhaps she married a Pledger who died but there is not a marriage bond to support that.

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Updated May 25, 2024
Charles W. Barnes