North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.05), Box 5
Barfield, Littleberry, 1836

Note from Eliza Barfield dated 23 Apr 1836 stating that she does not wish to administer upon the estate of Littleberry Barfield herself and that she is willing that Simmons B. Staton be appointed administrator. Witnessed by Hardy S. Phelps.

Bond dated 25 Apr 1836 in the amount of two thousand dollars appointing Simmons B. Staton administrator of the estate of Littleberry Barfield deceased, Solomon Pender & Solomon T. Braddy securities.

Petition of Simons B. Stayton at April Term 1836 who obtained letters of administration at this term on the estate of Littleberry Barfield deceased. He says there is no money on hand to pay the considerable debts of the estate and prays an order so sell what personal estate that may com into his hands. There is little property in the estate than an interest in a negro man called Turner in Edgecombe County and he prays an order to sell that interest.

Answer of Simmons B. Stayton, administrator of L. B. Barfield, to the petition of Elizabeth Barfield his widow for a year's allowance. He admits the death of said Barfield intestate and that petitioner is his widow. He states that the debts of the estate far exceed the estate that has come to hand or is likely to come to hand in the future. He has sold the interest of his intestate in a negro man named Turner for $385 on a credit of six months. Other than that, there is an account due the estate of $15, which is doubtful and the debts exceed these sums. He believes there is no excess stock or provisions left by his intestate other than that which has been used by petitioner since the death of the intestate and before administration granted without being alloted to her pursuant to any prior applications, and he believes and so charges that she has had the full benefit of all the crops, stock and provisions of which he died possessed. He prays this be taken into consideration in any order or decree issued.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of L(ittle) B(erry) Barfield to Eliza Phelps on 31 Dec 1829, Edward Overton security.

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Updated May 24, 2023
Charles W. Barnes