North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.11), Box 11
Bucknam, James, 1834

Bond dated 27 Oct 1834 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Amos Thoroughgood administrator of James Bucknam deceased, Charles T. Spruill & Hezekiah G. Spruill securities.

Petition October Term 1834 by Nancy Bucknam, widow of James Bucknam deceased, who died intestate on [blank] Oct 1834 leaving your petitioner totally unprovided for. She states that her said husband died seized and possessed of a tract bounded by Soloman Mann & Saml. Johnson and also a juniper swamp on the south side of Little Alligator Creek. She prays a writ be directed to the Sheriff to summon a jury and lay off her dower in said lands.

Petition October Term 1834 by Nancy Bucknam, widow of James Bucknam deceased, who died intestate on [blank] Oct 1834 without making provision for your petitioner, who therefore prays that commissioners be appointed to lay off her years allowance according to law.

Laying off of the dower of Nancy Bucknam in the lands of her deceased husband, James Bucknam, on 7 Nov 1834 by Hezekiah G. Spruill, Sheriff, and John Roughton, Soloman Mann, Uri Spruill, John Alexander, Gibeon Alexander, Charles T. Spruill, Joseph A. Brickhouse, Richard A. Meekins, Samuel Johnson, William Roughton, Benj. Spruill & King Hacket

Petition April Term 1836 by Amos Thoroughgood stating that he was appointed administrator of the estate of James Bucknam deceased, whose estate was extremely small and that the chattel property was insufficient to satisfy the demands against said estate and the assets at this time are exhausted leaving two hundred dollars in debts unpaid. Petitioner further shows that said James died seized and possessed of a parcel of land adjoining the lands of Saml. Johnson & Soloman Mann and also a small piece of swamp. Petitioner prays an order of court to sell these lands to satisfy debts due to your petitioner as well as other creditors to the estate.

This file contains numerous accounts and notes from Burton Cahoon, Frank J. Cahoon, Ruben Cahoon, Alexander H. Smith, Benjamin Spencer Junr., James Cahoon (of Isaiah), Isaiah Smith & Thos. Weatherly Junr. beginning in 1833, summons for nonpayment of these debts and judgements against them as late as 1838.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of James Bucknam to Nancy Prichett on 4 Mar 1831, James McAlester security.

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Updated May 23, 2024
Charles W. Barnes