North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 1, page 27
Dated 31 January 1761

In the name of God amen: The thirty first day of January 1761 I Peter Brickhouse of the Province of North Carolina in Tyrrel County Planter being in health of and of perfict memory thanks be given to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christain burial at the duretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Ressurecion I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

Imprimis - I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my dearly beloved wife one mare and side saddle and one feather beed and all my land during her widdowhood.

Item - I give to my well beloved son Calib Brickhouse on smal gun and my will is that my land be measured upon the sound side and begn in the middle and a line run to a small branch & then the next rige to be mesured and the line to go along the branch till it comes to the middle of the rige and then to run strainght across to the swamp and then to begin at a branch on the side of the ridge called Bushey Ridge and to run right through the middle of my land to the head line the eastermost side I give to my well beloved son Calib and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body and for want of such heirs to my son William.

Item - I give to my well beloved daughter Hanah one feather beed with a homespun tick and one pewter bason.

Item - I give to my well beloved son Mathew Brickhouse the other half of my land to him and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body and for want of such heirs to my son Major and I give to my son Mathew one large iron poot and hooks one small square leaf table tow pewter basons both small two chairs one small trunk one Bible and one young mare alredy received.

Item - I give to my well beloved son William Brickhouse one feather beed two puter plates one dish & one bason.

Item - I give to my well beloved son Major Brickhouse one feather beed two puter plates one dish & one bason.

Item - I give to my well beloved daughter Sarah Brickhouse one feather beed & one puter bason my will is that the rest of my Estate be eaqually divided between my wife and three children that is to say William Major and Sarah Brickhouses and that William Barnes Richard Howett Thomas Ludford divide my Estate and land as before mentioned or two of the three I likewise constitute make and ordain my well beloved wife and Mathew Brickhouse the sole Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disalow revoak and disannul all and ever other former Testaments Wills Legacies and bequests and Executors by me in any ways before name willed and bequeathed retifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament I witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above mentioned & written.

Peter Brickhouse (Sealed)

Signed sealed published pronounced
and declared by the said Peter

Brickhouse as his last Will and Testament
in the presence of us the Subscribers.

Richard Howett Jurt.
Melven Duke

Recorded by Fr. Ward Clerk

Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

December Session 1763

The last will and testament of Peter Brickhouse was produced in open court and proved by the oath of Richard Howett according to law and at the same time Elizabeth Brickhouse and Matthew Brickhouse executrix and executor named in the said will qualified according to law by taking the oath prescribed by law for the qualification of executors ordered that the Secretary have notice &c.

On motion of Tho. Jones attorney ordered that William Barnes, Richard Howett & Thomas Ludford or any three of them divide the estate of Peter Brickhouse deceased agreeable to his last will and testament amongst the legatees named in the said will & return the same to next court.

March Session 1764

On motion of Thomas Jones atty. at law ordered that John Hooker Esqr., Messrs. Stephen Hooker & Richard Howett or any two of them divide the estate of Peter Brickhouse deceased agreeable to his last will and testament & return the same to next court.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.10), Box 10
Brickhouse, (Peter), 1764

Division of the estate of [overwritten] Brickhouse on 12 Jun 1764 by John Hooker, S. Hooker & Richd. Howett. List of items divided to the widow, Elizabeth Brickhouse, and William Brickhouse, Major Brickhouse & Sarah Brickhouse.

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Updated May 27, 2024
Gordon L. Basnight