North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.09), Box 9
Brickhouse, Elsberry, 1835

Bond dated 26 Nov 1835 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Matthew Brickhouse special administrator of the estate of Elsberry Brickhouse deceased, Thomas Alexander & Jos. Alexander securities.

An inventory of the balance of the estate of Elsberry Brickhouse taken on 18 Dec 1835. Includes articles set off to the widow and notes against Tully Wynne, Simion Rhoads, Reuben Cahoon, Samuel Brickhouse, Fredk. Davenport, Franklin Fagan, John Rhoads, John Rhoads Senr., Isaac Sawyer, Matthew Brickhouse, Jeremiah H. Phelps, William Jarvis, Burton Phelps, John Cooper, Zebulon Kemp, Joseph A. Brickhouse, Richard Howett, William Kemp, John Brickhouse Senr., Benjamin Brickhouse, Nicodemus Cooper, John Brickhouse of John, Joseph Cooper & Henderson S. Sutton.

Laying off of the year's allowance to Susan Brickhouse, widow of Elsberry Brickhouse deceased, on 18 Dec 1835 by Jos. Halsey, Jos, Alexander & Thos. H. Alexander out of the estate of her deceased husband.

Bond dated [blank] Jan 1836 in the amount of fifteen hundred dollars appointing Matthew Brickhouse Senr. administrator of the estate of Elsberry Brickhouse deceased, H. G. Spruill & Joseph Halsey securities.

Bond dated 30 Dec 1837 in the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars binding Susanna Brickhouse and Joseph Halsey unto the state of North Carolina. The condition of the obligation is such whereas the above bounden Susanna Brickhouse has this day had handed over to her by Matthew Brickhouse administrator of Elsbarra Brickhouse deceased two negroes, David & Amy and one hundred and eighty dollars which said Susannah Brickhouse is entitled to by the death of her husband, Elsbarra Brickhouse. If any further debts or claims against the estate should arise, she is bound to pay them. Signed Susan D. Brickhouse.

Answer Fall Term 1839 of Matthew Brickhouse Senr. to the bill of complaint of Jeremiah Weskett & wife Susan and Jeremiah Weskett administrator of Mary Ann Maria Brickhouse. He utterly denies that any such proposition or agreement as the one set forth in the complainant's bill was made or that Elsberry Brickhouse in consequence of or relying upon any such agreement or proposition entered upon any premises or built any house, this respondent admits that it was always his intention to give by will to his only son, said Elsberry, or his children should any survive this respondent and said Elsberry a tract of land, part of which is referred in complainant's bill, and part of which said Elsberry and this respondent conjointly built a house, and that he so told said Elsberry he would deed the land to him but he refused and didn't want it until this respondents death. Respondent had intended to give the child of said Elsberry had it lived by will all he had designed for its father. It is now dead. The widow of said Elsberry and her husband have received all of the personal estate of said Elsberry. Respondent admits he administered upon the estate of said Elsberry but has not held that office for over two years and declares that final settlement upon the estate and made distribution of the said estate to the widow, said Susan. Respondent prays that the complaint be dismissed.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Elsberry Brickhouse to Susan Hassell on 18 Mar 1835, F. F. Fagan security; also Jeremiah Wesket to Susan Brickhouse on 9 Jun 1838, mores Wesket security.

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Updated May 23, 2024
Charles W. Barnes