North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.10), Box 10
Brickhouse, Major, 1838

Bond dated 23 Apr 1838 in the amount of four thousand dollars appointing Rachel Brickhouse administratrix of the estate of Major Brickhouse deceased, Matthew Brickhouse & Thos. H. Alexander securities.

Petition April Term 1838 by Rachel Brickhouse requesting that her year's allowance be layed off from the estate of her deceased husband, Major Brickhouse.

Laying off of the year's allowance on 18 Jul 1838 from the estate of her deceased husband Major Brickhouse by Thos. H. Alexander, Jos. Alexander, Henry Gibson & M. P. Brickhouse.

Bond dated 23 Oct 1838 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Rachel Brickhouse guardian of Charlotte Brickhouse, orpan of Major Brickhouse deceased, Thomas H. Alexander & Richard D. Hassell securities.

Petition January Term 1840 by Rachel Brickhouse, widow of Major Brickhouse who died intestate in 1838 seized and possessed of 150 acres of land and left as heirs at law Sylvia intermarried with Frederick Rhodes, Rhoda, Esther & Charlotte Brickhouse, out of which land she is entitled to dower and prays the court order the sheriff to summon a jury to lay off her dower in said lands.

Laying off of the dower of Rachel Brickhouse, widow of Major Brickhouse deceased, in the lands of her deceased husband on 2 Jul 1840 by John McClees, Sheriff, and Joseph Alexander, Thomas H. Alexander, Luther Babitt, Henry Gibson, Joseph Wynne, Henderson S. Sutton, John D. Liverman, Thomas Gibson, Joseph Gibson, James Chaplin, James Handcock & John Alexander. Widow received 50 acres joining the sound, Henry Gibson & Silas Etheridge.

Bond dated 24 Jul 1849 in the amount of two hundred dollars appointing administrator de bonis non of the estate of Major Brickhouse deceased, Charles McClees & James F. Davenport securities.

Petition in 1850 by Fred. Rhodes & wife Silva. Esther Brickhouse & Charlotte Brickhouse who are tenants in common of a tract of land adjoining Malichi Swain and others which descended to them at the death of Major Brickhouse who died seized and possessed of the same. Petitioners are all of age. Pray appointment of five commissioners to make partition of said lands. Flyleaf shows commissioers as Jos. Alexander, Jas. McClees, Isaac Cooper, Sampson Melson & Jas. Chaplin.

Petition July Term 1850 by Esther Brickhouse, Allen Phelps and wife Charlotte, Frederick Rhodes & wife [blank] and Frederick Rhodes administrator of Rhoda Brickhouse against James Brickhouse, administrator de bonis non of Major Brickhouse deceased. Petitioners show they are the children and distributees of the said Major Brickhouse deceased. Petitioner shows that admistration on the estate of Major Brickhouse was granted to Rachel Brickhouse and since her death administration de bonis non was granted to James Brickhouse whereupon he came into possession of the property belonging to the estate of the said Major Brickhouse. The said James Brickhouse has been urged by the petitioners to make distribution of the said estate according to law, which he refuses to do. Petitioners pray the said James Brickhouse be made a defendant to this petition, that process be issued and subpoena issued commanding him to answer the allegations presented herein and make a full and perfect account of his administration.

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Updated May 26, 2024
Charles W. Barnes