State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 2, page 141
Dated 7 February 1838

In the name of God Amen: This seventh day of Febry in the 62 year of our Indepence 1838. I Robert Bartee being sick in body but of sound and perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, do make, constitute, ordain and declare this to be my last will and testament in the manner and form following; revoking and annulling by these presents all and every will or wills by me made either in word or writing & this only is to be taken for my last will and testament and none other, & first of all I recomd my soul to Almighty God that gave it, when it may please him to call and my body to be buried in a Christian like manner by my executor hereafter named and my temporal estate that it hath pleased God to bestow on me I give and despose in the following man to wit:

Item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Adeline Bartee the sum of two hundred dollars to be paid her out of my estate to her her heirs and assigns forever ---

Item - I give and bequeath unto my grand son William L. Spruill the sum of forty dolllars to him and his heirs and assigns forever ---

Item - I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Loura Bartee all the balance of my estate to her her heirs and assigns forever ---

Item - I leave all my property to be sold at a credit of six months consisting of all my land and stock, household & kitchen furniture and the money arising from the same to be paid to the proper heirs ---

Item - I hereby appoint my trusty friend Silas Wynn executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said Robert Bartee have hereto set my hand and seal the day and date above written.

Robert Bartee (Seal)

Signd Seald & Delvd in the pre of sub

Hassel & Saly (his -x- mark) A. Davs

Court of pleas and quarter session April Term 1838. Then was this paper writing duly proved and ordered to be registered to probate as a will passing real and personal estate. Let it be registered.

Oct. Term 1837

Test Jos. Halsy Clk.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.05), Box 5
Bartie, Robert, 1838

Bond dated 22 Apr 1838 in the amount of seven hundred dollars appointing Samuel Rogers administrator with the will annexed of Robert Bartie deceased, Dempsey S. Godfrey & Matthew Brickhouse Senr. securities.

Petition April Term 1838 by Louisa Bartie, widow of Robert Bartie, whose husband died recently having made a will appointing Silas Wynne executor thereto. Said Wynne refusing to qualify, administration with the will annexed was granted to Samuel Rogers with her assent and the will was duly proved. Petitioner further shows that there is a considerable personal estate out of which she is entitled to a year's provision for herself & family. She prays a justice and three freeholders be appointed to allot the same.

Petition April Term 1838 by Louisa Bartie, widow of Robert Bartie, whose husband died recently leaving a will and heirs at law & legatees his daughter Adeline and one William Spruill, both infants. The said Robert died seized and possessed of 30 acres of land adjoining Solomon Hassell, Charles Davenport & Samuel Rogers, out of which she is entitled to dower. She prays a writ of dower be issued to the sheriff.

Laying off of the year's allowance of Lucinda Bartie, widow of Robert Bartie, on 9 May 1838 by D. S. Godfrey J. P and R. D. Hassell, J. J. Lindsey & Sol. Hassell.

Bond dated 24 Apr 1848 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Maximilian Tatum guardian to Evaline Bartie, C. L. Walker & R. B. Alexander securities.

Bond dated 29 Apr 1851 in the amount of two hundred dollars appointing Maximilian Tatum guardian to Evaline Bartie, orphan of Robert Bartie, Silas Davenport & James Chaplin securities. Alexander securities.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Robert Bertee to Polly Wynne on 30 Sep 1813, Daniel Bateman security; also Robert Bertee to Lucinda Powers on 13 Jul 1820, Saml. Spruill security; also Lucind Bartee to Maximilian Tatum on 12 Feb 1848, Samuel Rogers security; also Emily Bertee to John Spruill on 14 Feb 1833, William Norman security.

Maximilian Tatum (66), Lucinda Tatum (57) & Adeline Bartee (14) appear in the 1850 census of Cool Spring, Washington County.

Lucinda Powers was a daughter of Joshua Powers, see his 1818 will.

Return to Tyrrell County Wills Introduction

Updated May 25, 2024
Jean H. Pennell