State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County

Book 1, page 134
Dated 23 August 1783

In the name of God amen: I John Bateman Junr. of Tyrrell County and state of North Carolina being weak in body but of sound memory (blessed be God) do this 23 day of August in the year of our Lord Anno Domini 1783 make and publish this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following (that is to say).

First - I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Henry Bateman one hundred & twenty acres of land whereon I now live be the same more or less to him and his heirs forever, and one Bible -

Item - I give will and bequeath to the next issue of my body, (that my wife Sarah Bateman now goes with) if a son one hundred & thirty six acres of land be the same more or less to him & his heirs forever & on default of such issue then to be equally divided between my three daughters.

Item - I give to my well beloved wife Sarah Bateman two cows & calves five head of sheep, fourteen head of hogs & one feather bed; bedstead & furniture, two linen wheels & one woollen wheel, & one Jinn case, one loom & the harness that belong to her and two pewter dishes and two basons and half a dozen plates, & one mill to she and her heirs forever.

And I also appoint my two brothers Jonathan Bateman & Issac Bateman Executors of this my last Will and Testament & I do hereby utterly revoke, disallow & disannul all and every other Wills & Testaments by me made and this is to be taken for my last Will & Testament and no other. In Witness whereof I the said John Bateman Junr. have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and date above written.

Signed Sealed & Delivered by the said
John Bateman Junr. as :& for his last Will
& Testament in the presence of we the

John (his mark) Bateman

John Ansley
Stephen Bateman
Zeph. Davis

Tyrrell County
Oct. Term 1783.

Personally appeared Stephen Bateman and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that he saw and heard John Bateman within named sign seal publish pronounce, and declare the within writing to be his last Will and Testament and at the same time he saw John Ansley and Zephaniah Davis subscribing witnesses within sign at the same time and further saith not.

Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

October Session 1783

Appeared in open court Isaac Bateman and exhibited the last will and testament of John Bateman deceased was proved on the oath of Stephen Bateman & that he saw John Ansley and Zepheniah Davis sign at the same time as witness thereto & ordered to be recorded.

Also the said Isaac Bateman produced an inventory in open court upon oath of the estate of John Bateman deceased & ordered to be filed.

Also the said Isaac Bateman appeared in open court & qualified as executor to the last will & testament of John Bateman deceased.

April Session 1784

Appeared Sarah Bateman widow of John Bateman deceased in open court and exhibited an account against the said deceased estate amounting to the sum of 23 pounds & 4 3/4 pence - ordered to be filed - and that the said widow be allowed the further sum of 36 pounds for the ensuing year the said money to be raised or paid out of the interest of the said deceased estate for the maintenance of the said deceased children to wit - Amelia, Eleanor, and Henry Bateman.

Appeared in open court Jonathan Bateman and qualifyed as an executor to the last will and testament of John Bateman deceased.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.07), Box 7
Bateman, J., 1785

Execution dated 7 Jul 1785 and issued 2 Aug 1785 against the goods, chattels, lands and tenement of Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill and cause to be made 3 pounds, 15 shillings & 7 pence to satisfy the officers of the County Court and which by judgement of said court was taxed to them for fees on the suit Isaac Bateman & Jonathan Bateman Executors of J. Bateman deceased against Joseph & Thomas H. Spruill who agreed to pay cash and have the monies before the said court on the first Monday in October next.

Warrant dated 6 Apr 1786 and issued 10 May 1786 for Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill to be in court on the first Monday in July next to satisfy the officers of the County Court with the sum of 4 pounds, 6 shillings & 10 pence which lately the County Court taxed to them for fees on the suit Isaac Bateman & Jonathan Bateman Executors against Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill whereof the said Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill are convicted and liable.

Warrant dated 6 Jul 1786 and issued 2 Aug 1786 for Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill to be in court on the first Monday in October next to satisfy the officers of the County Court with the sum of 4 pounds, 10 shillings & 7 pence which lately the County Court taxed to them for fees on the suit Isaac Bateman & Jonathan Bateman Executors against Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill whereof the said Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill are convicted and liable.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.07), Box 7
Bateman, John, 1787

Execution dated 4 Jan 1787 and issued 31 Jan 1787 against the estate of John Bateman deceased for 3 pounds, thirteen shillings & one pence which Joseph Spruill & Thomas Hawkins Spruill recovered from Isaac & Jonathan Bateman executors of John Bateman deceased to satisfy court fees in a suit between the parties. It is mentioned that the Spruills are insolvent. Returned April Term 1787 and noted as satisfied.

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Updated October 31, 2020
Jean Owens Schroeder