North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.12), Box 12
Cahoon, Hannah, 1834

Bond dated 3 Dec 1834 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing David Cahoon special administrator of the estate of Hannah Cahoon deceased, Jeremiah H. Phelps & Jos. Halsey securities.

Bond dated 26 Jan 1835 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing David Cahoon administrator of the estate of Hannah Cahoon deceased, Benj. Chambers & William Cahoon securities.

Warrant dated the fourth Monday in April 1835 and issued 27 Apr 1835 for David Cahoon to appear in court on the fourth Monday in July next to answer unto Jachonias Neel of o plea of trespass on the case to his damage $75.

Summons dated the 28th day of [blank] 1835 for Joseph Halsey, Samuel C. Patrick & James Davenport to appear in court on the fourth Monday of October next and testify on behalf of [blank] in a case where Jaconias Neel is plaintiff and David Cahoon is defendant.

Appearance bond of David Cahoon dated [blank] of [blank] 1835 in the amount of $150 to appear in court on the fourth Monday in July 1835 and answer unto Jaconias Neil and wife Polly in a plea of trespass on the case to their damage $75, Allen Cahoon security.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in July 1835 for Jos. Halsey, Clerk, to produce the record of the administration of David Cahoon, administrator of Hannah Cahoon, on the fourth Monday in October next and testify on behalf of David Cahoon in case where Neal is plaintiff and Cahoon is defendant.

Summons dated 28 Oct 1835 for Tompson Liverman to appear in court on the fourth Monday in October next to testify on behalf of the defendant wherein Jeconias Neel is plaintiff and David Cahoon is defendant.

Transcriber's Notes:

Hannah Cahoon appears to be the widow of Ruben Cahoon and David Cahoon appears to be her son. She also had a daughter named Polly who could be the wife of Jaconias Neel in the above suit. See the 1817 court minutes and estate papers of Ruben Cahoon.

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Updated May 29, 2024
Charles W. Barnes