North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.12), Box 12
Cahoon, Gideon, 1835

Bond dated 25 Jan 1835 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing Benjamin Sikes administrator of the estate of Gideon Cahoon deceased, H. G. Spruill & George H. Alexander securities.

Note dated 7 Feb 1835 wherein Thomas Cahoon, Timothy Cahoon & Wm. B. Cahoon promise to pay Benjamin Sikes, administrator of deceased, $7.43 for value received after six months. Witnessed by Chas. McClees.

Warrant dated 11 Nov 1837 for Thomas Cahoon, Timothy Cahoon & William B. Cahoon to appear before a Justice at Columbia on the 25th day of [blank] to answer the complaint of Benjamin Sikes, administrator of Gideon Cahoon deceased, in a plea of debt due by note in the sum of [blank] dollars and 43 cents. Back side says to the use of Thos. Dunbar.

Bond dated 21 Jun 1838 which binds Thomas Cahoon, Timothy Cahoon & W. B. Cahoon to pay Thomas Dunbar $22.72. They owe Thomas Dunbar $11.36 and are bound to appear at court on the fourth Monday in July 1838 and pay this debt or declare themselves insolvent debtors.

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Updated May 30, 2024
Charles W. Barnes