North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.12), Box 12
Cahoon, James, 1835

Bond dated 27 Apr 1835 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Samuel C. Patrick administrator of the estate of James Cahoon Senr. deceased, Benjamin Sikes & Simeon Brickhouse securities.

Petition July Term 1835 by Louisa Cahoon stating that her husband James Cahoon died in December 1834 leaving a small personal property and S. C. Patrick was appointed administrator thereon at April Term 1835. She prays her year's allowance be laid off.

Petition January Term 1836 of Lucretia Cahoon, widow of James Cahoon, who died intestate leaving petitioner unprovided for. He died seized and possessed of 90 acres adjoining Simeon Brickhouse & Turner Cahoon in which she is entitled to dower. She prays commissioners be appointed to allot her dower in said land.

Court order April Term 1836 to lay off the dower of Louisa Cahoon in the lands of James Cahoon deceased. Rear of order annotated that she died before the dower was laid off.

Bond dated 26 Apr 1836 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing Edmond Clayton administrator de bonis non of the estate of James Cahoon deceased, Charles McClees & Dempsey Liverman securities.

Petition July Term 1836 by Edmund Clayton who was appointed administrator of the estate of James Cahoon deceased at April Term 1836. The perishable property was sold by Samuel C. Patrick and the whole only sold for about $20 or $22. The debts of the estate are ascertained to be $65 or $70 besides other debts for which no notes have been obtained. Petitioner states that James Cahoon died seized and possessed of a parcel of land worth about $20 and also a piece of swamp land worth perhaps from $20 to $50, the whole of which will not pay his debts. He prays an order authorizing him to sell the land in order to pay the debts as far as it will go.

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Updated May 27, 2024
Charles W. Barnes