North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.19), Box 19
Dunston, Abraham, 1826

Summons dated the first Monday in September 1826 for Dempsey Spruill, administrator of the estate of Abraham Dunston deceased, to appear before the Judges of the Superior Court on the first Monday in September next to answer unto John Dunston in a plea of trespass on the case to his damage $800.

Summons dated 3 Feb 1827 for David M. Sargent, administrator of Levi Bateman, and Frederick Davenport & Zebulon Tarkenton to appear before a Justice of the Peace to answer the complaint of Dempsey Spruill, administrator of Abraham Dunston deceased, in a plea of debt by note in the sum of $15.72 1/2 and $2.00 in interest. Marked satisfied 7 Mar 1829.
David M. Sargent, administrator of Levi Bateman deceased, pleads fully administered in all its forms no assets debts of higher dignity retained and which pleas are admitted to be true on 17 Feb 1827. Silas Davenport J. P. then returned judgement in favor of the plaintiff for $15.72 1/2 with interest on the same date.
Levy on the goods & chattels, and for want thereof upon the lands and tenements of Frederick Davenport Junr. & Zebulon Tarkenton ordered by B. W. Halsey on 22 Mar 1827.

This file contains numerous other documents relating to the above suit which was appealed to the Superior Court and continued into 1832.

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Updated June 17, 2024
Charles W. Barnes