North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.17), Box 17
Davenport, William F., 1832

Promissory note dated 23 Jul 1827 wherein Frederick Davenport promises to pay G. W. Davenport $10.00 for value received on order one day after date.

Promissory note dated 1 Sep 1827 in which Frederick Davenport promises to pay D. M. Sargent on order $16.38 for value received. Witnessed by Charles Davenport.

Promissory note dated 2 Oct 1829 wherein Frederick Davenport promises to pay G. W. Davenport $21.78 3/4 for value received one day after date.

Promissory note dated 29 Dec 1829 wherein Frederick Davenport promises to pay W. F. Davenport $4.73 3/4 for value received on or5der one day after date.

Writ dated 2 Feb 1832 for Frederick Davenport to be before a Justice at Z. Tarkenton's on the 4th instant to answer the complaint of Saml. Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport that he owes $16.38 by note from 1 Sep 1827 to David M. Sargent to the use of Samuel Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport. Judgement was made agaist the defendant on 4 Feb 1832 by Z. Tarkenton. Execution ordered on 26 Feb 1832. For want of goods & chattels, levied upon Frederick Davenport's right to lands adjoining Silas Davenport. Notice of the levy was left at the house of Joanna Davenport, his mother.

Writ dated 2 Feb 1832 for Frederick Davenport to be before a Justice at D. M. Sargent's on the 3rd instant to answer the complaint of Samuel Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport that he owes $50 by account to David M. Sargent to Samuel Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport. Judgement by confession on 3 Feb 1832 by D. M. Sargent. Execution dated 6 Feb 1832 by D. S. Godfrey. Levied on 6 Feb 1832 against Frederick Davenport's right in lands adjoining Silas Davenport. Notice of the levy left at the house of Joanna Davenport, his mother.

Writ dated 2 Feb 1832 for Frederick Davenport to be before a Justice at D. M. Sargent's on the 3rd instant to answer the complaint of Saml. Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport that he owes $21.78 3/4 with interest from 3 Oct 1829 to G. W. Davenport to the use of Samuel Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport. Judgement by confession on 3 Feb 1832 by D. M. Sargent. Execution dated 6 Feb 1832 by D. M. Sargent. Levied on 6 Feb 1832 against Frederick Davenport's right in lands adjoining Silas Davenport. Notice of the levy left at the house of Joanna Davenport, his mother.

Writ dated 2 Feb 1832 for Frederick Davenport to be before a Justice at D. M. Sargent's on the 3rd instant to answer the complaint of Saml. Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport deceased that he owes $4.73 3/4 with interest from 30 Dec 1829. Judgement by confession on 3 Feb 1832 by D. M. Sargent. Execution dated 6 Feb 1832 by D. M. Sargent. Levied on 6 Feb 1832 against Frederick Davenport's right in lands adjoining Silas Davenport. Notice of the levy left at the house of Joanna Davenport, his mother.

Writ dated 2 Feb 1832 for Frederick Davenport to be before a Justice at D. M. Sargent's on the 3rd instant to answer the complaint of Saml. Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport that he owes $10.00 by note with interest from 24 Jul 1827 to G. W. Davenport to the use of Samuel Davenport, administrator of William F. Davenport. Judgement by confession on 3 Feb 1832 by D. M. Sargent. Execution dated 6 Feb 1832 by D. M. Sargent. Levied on 6 Feb 1832 against Frederick Davenport's right in lands adjoining Silas Davenport. Notice of the levy left at the house of Joanna Davenport, his mother.

Writ dated 4 Apr 1832 and issued 23 May 1832 for the Sheriff to expose to sale Frederick Davenport Junr. right of land adjoining the land of Silas Davenport to satisfy a judgement against him of $21.78 plus interest from 3 Oct 1829 and $2.25 in cost obtained by Samuel Davenport, administrator of Wm. F. Davenport deceased.

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Updated July 26, 2024
Charles W. Barnes