State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 2, page 132
Dated 25 June 1836

In the name of God Amen: I Hugh Davenport being of sound mind and memory do this day make last Will and Testament in manner as follows VIZ: June the 25th 1836

Item - I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Priscilla one bead and furniture with residue of my perisable estate and my land to her during her natural life and at her death to my brother Nelson provided he pays over to brother Alvie twenty dollars to make him equal to the rest. Now if Nelsonn and Alva is not satisfied with this for my land to be sold and give to Hambleton Spruill my executors.

Item 2 - I give and bequeath to my sister Clarky Hassel one dollar

Item 3 - I give and bequeath to my sister Eliza Lamb one dollar

Item 4 - I give and bequeath to my sister Sally Tarkenton one dollar.

Item 5 - I give and bequeath to Alvie Davenport one dollar.

I give and bequeath to Maria Davenport one dollar.

And I hereby appoint my wife Priscilla and Ira E. Norman executor to this my last Will and Testament

Hugh Davenport

Test Jemima Norman

County Court
Oct Term 1836

The Will of Hugh Davenport produced in open court proved by oath of Jemima Norman. Priscilla Davenport appeared and was qualifid as excutrix to will of Hugh Davenport

Test Jose. Halsy clk.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.16), Box 16
Davenport, Hugh, 1837

Summons dated 4 Jan 1836 for Henry E. Lewis & James Hassell to appear at the next session of the Superior Court in March to testify on behalf of Hugh Davenport in a matter in which Hugh Davenport is plaintiff and Wm. Spruill Senr. is defendant.

Summons dated 4 Jan 1836 for Archibald Hassell, Peter Lamb, James Wood & Jeremiah Giles to appear at the next session of the Superior Court in March to testify on behalf of Wm. Spruill in a matter in which Hugh Davenport is plaintiff and Wm. Spruill Senr. is defendant.

Bond dated 28 Jan 1836 in the amount of two hundred dollars in which Wm. Spruill Senr. guarantees prosecution and acceptance of any judgement and costs of his appeal to the Superior Court of a case brought by Hugh Davenport against him.

Summons dated the first Monday in September 1836 and issued 15 Feb 1836 for Susanna Davenport, Mariah Davenport, Ira E. Norman & Zilpa Norman to be before the Judge of the Superior Court of Law on the first Monday in March next to testify in behalf of Hugh Davenport in a case in which Hugh Davenport is plaintiff and William Spruill Senr. is defendant.

Transcript dated 8 Feb 1836. Hugh Davenport brought his suit against William Spruill Senr. at October Term 1835. His plea was trespass on the case to his damage $100. The case wasw tried at January Term 1836. The jury found for the plaintiff and assessed his damages as $64.80. The defendant prayed an appeal, obtained it and entered into bond.

Summons dated 6 Mar 1836 to the Sheriff of Washington County for Susannah Davenport & Maria Davenport to appear immediately before the Judge of the Superior Court of Law to testify in behalf of Hugh Davenport in a case in which Hugh Davenport is plaintiff and William Spruill Senr. is defendant.

Summons dated Mar 1836 for William Swain to appear immediately before the Judge of the Superior Court of Law to testify in behalf of William Spruill in a case in which Hugh Davenport is plaintiff and William Spruill is defendant.

Summons in 1837 for Susanna Wood to be at Superior Court on the first Monday of March next to testify on behalf of Hugh Davenport's administrator in a matter in which Hugh Davenport's administrator is plaintiff and William Spruill is defendant. There are two other summons to testify in the same case, one for Dr. to testify on behalf of the plaintiff and another for Richard Davenport to testify on behalf of the defendant.

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Updated July 27, 2024
Ellen Kroll