Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1842

Ashbee Liverman the account of sales of the negro hire belonging to the heirs of James Davenport for 1841.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.16), Box 16
Davenport, James, 1837

Bond dated 25 Apr 1837 in the amount of three thousand dollars appointing Thompson Liverman administrator of the estate of James Davenport deceased, John Sikes & Fredk. Patrick securities.

Petition April Term 1837 by Maria Davenport widow of James Davenport deceased who died intestate this month seixed and possessed of a certain tract of land bounded by the lands of Charles McCleese & Ashbee Liverman and your petitioner not being provided for is desirous of having her dower in said land alloted and set apart to her. She prays that the Sheriff be ordered to summon a jury to lay off said dower and that a guardian ad litem be appointed for the infant children of said James Davenport, namely, John, Elizabeth, Cornelia, Frederick & Phoebe.

Petition April Term 1837 by Maria Davenport widow of James Davenport deceased who died intestate this month without making provisions for her and administration upon his estate having been granted this term to Thompson Liverman Esq. She prays a court order for laying off of a year's provisions for her and her family.

Laying off of a year's provisions from the estate of James Davenport deceased to his widow, Maria Davenport, returned at July Term 1837 by Wm. Alfred, Willson Cahoon, David Cahoon & Abel Cahoon.

Laying off of the dower of Mariah Davenport in the 75 acre tract in Gum Neck owned by her deceased husband, James Davenport, on 1 Jul 1837 by John McClees. Sheriff and a jury with Frederick Patrick, Isaac Meekins, William Cahoon, Burton Cahoon, Willson Cahoon, Hardy Powers, Thomas Sawyer, Joab Sawyer, Samuel McClees, Downing B. Long, Job McGown & Hardy McGown. She is allotted 25 acres joining Charles McClees, the main road, the Baum Road including the dwelling house and all out houses.

Bond dated 22 Jul 1839 in the amount of five thousand dollars appointing Thompson Liverman guardian to Jno., Frederick, Elizabeth, Cornelia & Phoebe Davenport, orphans of James Davenport deceased, Charles McClees & Frederick Patrick securities.

Bond dated 23 Apr 1840 in the amount of four thousand dollars appointing Wm. Alfred guardian to Jno., Frederick, Elizabeth, Cornelia & Phoebe Davenport, orphans of James Davenport deceased, H. G. Spruill & Frederick Patrick securities.

Promissory note dated 27 Jan 1840 in which Dempsey S. Godfrey, R. S. Hassell & H. Armstrong agree to pay $430 on demand to Abraham Chesson guardian to the heirs of James Davenport deceased. Winessed by Samuel Rogers.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in January 1841 and issued 13 Apr 1841 for D. S. Godfrey & Richard S. Hassell to appear at court on the fourth Monday in April next to answer unto Abraham Chesson guardian that they render unto him $430 which they owe and $50 in damages.

Bond dated 23 Apr 1844 in the amount of five thousand dollars appointing Saml. A. Truitt guardian to Frederick Davenport, Cornelia Davenport, John Davenport & Febee Davenport orphans of James Davenport deceased, Chas. McClees & Ash B. Liverman securities.

Division of the lands of James Davenport among his heirs on 1 Jun 1844 by Chas. McClees, Benja. Sikes, Elikim Swain, Frederick Patrick & F. E. Alfred. There are two tracts, one adjoining the lands of Charles McClees divided into lots one through three, each being 23 1/3 acres, and the second tract adjoining Elikim Swain divided into lots four and five of 20 acres each. Lots valued as follows:
No. 1 valued @ $210
No. 2 valued @ $163
No. 3 valued @ $140
No. 4 valued @ $100
No. 5 valued @ $100
Total value equals $713 making each persons share $142.60
Samuel Truitt and wife Elizabeth draw Lot No. 1 and pay Lot 4 $42.60 and Lot 5 $24.80
Cornealy Davenport draws Lot 2 and pays Lot 3 $2.60 and Lot 5 $17.80
Frederick Davenport draws Lot 3
John Davenport draws Lot 4
Phebe Davenport draws Lot 5

Petition January Term 1845 of Samuel Truitt and John Davenport, Frederick Davenport, Cornelia Davenport & Phebe Davenport by their next friend Samuel Truitt who state that James Davenport and wife died some time about 1839 leaving the following heirs: Elizabeth, John, Frederick, Cornelia & Phebe Davenport and some time afterward one of your petitioners, Samuel Truitt intermarried with Elizabeth Davenport. Petitioners further show that James Davenport died leaving the following negroes to be divided among his said heirs: Sal, Money, Gin, Seal, Easter, Eliza, Mariah & George and petitioners pray that five commissioners be appointed to divide the said negroes among the said heirs.

Division of the negroes belonging to the estate of James Davenport deceased among the lawful representatives on 28 Feb 1845 by Chas. McClees, J. L. Jones, Frederick Patrick & Ash B. Liverman.
Girl Jaine valued at $375
Girl Sal & child Mariah valued at $275
Girl Sealey valued at $375
Girl Easter valued at $200
Girl Money valued at $350
Girl Eliza valued at $75
Boy George valued at $40
Total value is $1690, leaving each ones share as $338
John Davenport draws Jaine and pays $37
Frederick Davenport draws Seal and pays $37
Cornelia Davenport draws Easter & Eliza and is paid $63
Phebe draws Sal and child Mariah and is paid $63
Samuel Truitt draws Money and child George and pays $52

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Samuel Truitt to Elizabeth Davenport on 1 Nov 1843, Chas. McClees security; also Cornelia Davenport to William Brickhouse on 9 Dec 1848, Thos. W. Rayfield security.

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Updated May 13, 2024
Charles W. Barnes