North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.18), Box 18
Davis, Levin, 1834

Petition October Term 1833 by Benjamin & Thomas Davis and Priscilla Davis, heirs at law of Levin Davis who died seized and possessed of a tract of land containing 25 acres adjoining Edward Sample and others. Petitioners Benjamin & Thomas Davis have sold their share of said land to Gabriel Craddock. Petitioners pray an order to divide said land be issued.

Petition January Term 1834 of John Tarkenton & Priscilla Davis who state that Levin Davis died seized and possessed of 25 acres of land and left as heirs at law Thomas, Benjamin, Zyffer (?) & Priscilla Davis and your petitioner John has bought all the shares in said land except Priscilla's. Pray an order to divide said lands according to law.

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Updated May 29, 2024
Charles W. Barnes