State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County

Book 1, page 133
Dated 23 July 1780

In the name of God amen: I Sarah Fagans of the state and county aforesaid being in good health and of sound disposing mind and memory thanks to Almighty God for the same do this twenty third day of July seventeen hundred and eighty and in the fifth year of our Independence make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say.

Imprimis - I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me and my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors here named.

Item - I lend unto my beloved son Jordan and unto his wife Sarah Jordan one negroe wench named Barbary & one boy named Hollaway during their natural lives, and at their decease I give them to my Grand son John Jordan Junr. to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item - I give unto my beloved daughter Mary Lee one black walnut chest and my wriding saddle if she is living at my decease if not I give them unto my beloved son John Jordan to them their heirs and assigns forever.

Item - I give the remainder part of my Estate not already given or bequeathed of every kind whatsoever unto my beloved son John Jordan to him his heirs and assigns forever. And I hereby make my son John Jordan Senr. whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, In witness whereof I the Testator have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal the day and year above written.

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by Sarah
Fagans as her last Will and Testament in the
presents of us who were present at the time of
signing and sealing thereof.

Sarah (her mark) Fagan

Edmd. Blount Junr.
Judith Blount

Tyrrell County
July Term 1783.

Personally appeared Edmund Blount Junr. and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that he saw the within name Sarah Fagans sign seal procounce publish & declare this writing to be her last Will & Testament and at the same time she was of sound mind & memory and saw at the same time Judith Blount sign as a witness thereto & further saith not.

Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

April Session 1783

Ordered that administration on the estate of Sarah Fagan deceased be committed to Mary Lee she giving bond and security in the sum of two thousand pounds specie Clament Crooke and Thomas Mackey securities.

Ordered that Clement Crooke Colonel James Long William Earl & Frily Jones or a majority be appointed to appraise and divide the estate of Sarah Fagan deceased agreeable to law and make due return to next court.

Appeared Mary Lee administratrix of Sarah Fagan deceased in open court and produced an inventory of the estate of Sarah Fagan deceased & ordered to be filed.

July Session 1783

Appeared Edmd. Blount Sheriff in open court & exhibited an account of sales of the estate of Wm. Worldly deceased also of the estate of Sarah Fagan deceased as account of sales ordered to be filed.

On motion of Mr. John Johnston the will of Sarah Fagan deceased was proved in open court by the oath of Edmund Blount Junr. & ordered to be recorded.

Ordered that Mary Lee appear to next court & administer on the estate of Sarah Fagan deceased agreeable to the last will & testament of said deceased.

April Session 1788

Mary Lee administratrix of Sarah Fagan deceased being cited to appear and render an account of her administration of said estate her said accounts being fully examined & audited find a balance due the said Sarah Fagan estate of 27 pounds, 15 shillings & 1 pence - settled as per auditors appointed to this term & filed.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.19), Box 19
Fagan, Sarah, 1784

Warrant dated 9 Jan 1784 for William Jordan to be in court on the first Monday in April next and satisy Mary Lee administratrix of Sarah Fagan deceased the sum of three pounds, seventeen shillings which lately Mary Lee administrator of Sarah Fagan deceased recovered against the said William Jordan for damages, costs & charges. Endorsed not to be found by E. Blount.

Warrant directed to the Sheriff of Martin County dated 8 Apr 1784 for William Jordan to be in court on the first Monday in July next and satisy Mary Lee administratrix of Sarah Fagan deceased the sum of sixteen pounds, seven shillings & seven pence which lately Mary Lee administrator of Sarah Fagan deceased recovered against the said William Jordan for damages, costs & charges.

Warrant dated 10 Apr 1788 and issued 30 Apr 1788 for William Jordan to be in court on the first Monday in July next and satisy Mary Lee administratrix of Sarah Fagan deceased the sum of sixteen pounds, eleven shillings & four pence which lately Mary Lee administrator of Sarah Fagan deceased recovered against the said William Jordan for damages, costs & charges.

Transcriber's Notes:

It would appear that Sarah Fagan was first married to a Jordan and then to Richard Fagan. Richard's will in 1773 names a wife Sarah and a daughter Mary Lee. It also names Enoch Fagan and Delilah Downing as children, but they were both deceased prior to the time of Sarah's will.

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Updated June 4, 2024
Jean Owens Schroeder