Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

July Session 1781

John Street appeared in open court and prayed administration on the estate of James Fleming deceased granted and qualified as the law directs and gave in security John Swain & Abraham Jennett in a bond of 50,000 pounds.

Willm. Freeman returned into open court the account of sales of James Flemings deceased ordered to be filed.

Willm. Freeman for Jesse Lewis returned into open court an account of sales of the estate of James Flemings.

Ordered that James Flemings orphan of James Flemings be bound apprentice to John Street to learn the art and mistrey of a taylor untill he comes to the age of twenty one years and said apprentice to {be} taught to read right and sypher so far as the rule of threes by said Street.

Ordered that Ann Flemings orphan of James Fleming be bound apprentice to Martha Street to learn the art and mistrey of a spinster untill he comes to the age of 18 years and said apprentice to {be} taught to read as usally.

January Session 1783

Ordered that Abraham Jennett be & is appointed guardian to the orphans of Jas. Flemmons deceased & gave bond in the sum of 500 pounds specie by giving Jeremiah Frasier & John Swain Esqr. securities also that the said A. Jennett take into his possession all the estate of Jas. Flemmons deceased out of the hands of John Street administrator of sd deceased.

April Session 1783

Ordered that John Street have the care and tuition of James Flemmon he giving bond and security to learn him the trade and mystery of a taylor the said James Flemmon being now fifteen years & to serve until he arrives to the age of twenty one.

Ordered that John Street former administrator of James Flemmons deceased take into his hand all the property of the said deceased & give bond in the sum of 200 pounds specie John Court & Isaac Peacock securities.

Ordered that the account rendered in against the estate of James Flemmons deceased be filed.

July Session 1784

Appeared John Straits administrator of James Flemmons deceased and exhibited an account against the said deceased estate amounting to 17 pounds, 8 shillings & 4 pence allowed & ordered to be filed.

Ordered that Jeremiah Frasier Esqr. Giles Long Esqr. Joshua Swain & James Long Col. or either three of them divide the estate of James Flemmons deceased between the representatives of the said deceased and make return to next court.

April Session 1788

Abraham Jennett guardian of the orphans of James Flemmons deceased being cited to appear and render an account of his said guardianship of the said orphans appeared & sworn saith he never had any of the deceased's estate in his hands discharged.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.20), Box 20
Flemmons, James, 1783

Backside only of Abraham Jennett's guardian bond for the orphans of James Flemmons deceased at January Term 1783 for 500 pounds.

Summons dated 29 May 1784 by John Swain J. P. for John Streats administrator to the estate of James Flemmons and Wm. Mackey to appear before him or some other Justice of the county to answer the complaint of Thos. Mackey & Friley Jones of a debt of five pounds. The rear of the summons orders John Strate to pay the full amount of the debt to the estate of Henry Downing deceased.

Execution dated 5 Oct 1785 and issued 15 Nov 1785 against the goods and chattels, lands & tenements of John Strait administrator of James Flemmons deceased for the sum of 3 pounds, 15 shillings & 7 pence to satisfy the officers of the court for the costs and charges of a suit he brought against Isaac Peacock which he lost and is liable. Reverse says nothing to be found in this county and and property lives in Nixingtown - H. Norman DShf.

Execution dated 5 Jan 1786 and issued 8 Feb 1786 against the goods and chattels, lands & tenements of John Strait administrator of James Flemmons deceased for the sum of 3 pounds, 19 shillings & 4 pence to satisfy the officers of the court for the costs and charges of a suit he brought against Isaac Peacock which he lost and is liable. Reverse says nothing to be found in this county - H. Norman - Mr. Streate lives in Nixontown.

Execution dated 6 Apr 1786 and issued 10 May 1786 against the goods and chattels, lands & tenements of John Strait administrator of James Flemmons deceased for the sum of 4 pounds, 3 shillings & 1 pence to satisfy the officers of the court for the costs and charges of a suit he brought against Isaac Peacock which he lost and is liable. Reverse says nothing to be found.

Execution dated 6 Jul 1786 and issued 2 Aug 1786 against the goods and chattels, lands & tenements of John Strait administrator of James Flemmons deceased for the sum of 4 pounds, 6 shillings & 10 pence to satisfy the officers of the court for the costs and charges of a suit he brought against Isaac Peacock which he lost and is liable. Reverse says nothing to be found - E. Blount Sheriff.

Execution dated 9 Jul 1789 and issued 28 Jul 1789 against the goods and chattels, lands & tenements of John Strait administrator of James Flemmons deceased for the sum of 6 pounds, 4 shillings & 4 pence to satisfy the officers of the court for the costs and charges of a suit he brought against Isaac Peacock which he lost and is liable. Reverse says nothing to be found - H. Norman DShf.

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Updated June 16, 2024
Charles W. Barnes