North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.20), Box 20
Freeman, Priscilla, 1837

Warrant dated the fourth Monday in April 1837 and issued 15 May 1837 for James Freeman to be in court the fourth Monday in July next to answer unto William H. Davenport administrator of Thomas L. Freeman in a plea of trespass on the case to his damage seventy five dollars.

Appearance bond dated 7 Jul 1837 in the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars for James Freeman to appear in court on the fourth Monday in July next and answer unto William H. Davenport administrator of Thomas Freeman of a plea of trespass in the case to his damage sevent five dollars, Daniel N. Bateman securities.

Summons to the Sheriff of Washington County dated the fourth Monday in July 1837 for Samuel Newberry & Samuel Norman to appear in court in Tyrrell County on the fourth Monday in October next and testify on behalf of Wm. H. Davenport administrator of T. L. Freeman in a case in which Davenport is plaintiff and James Freeman is defendant. Came to hand 27 Oct 1837 to Sheriff of Washington County, which was too late to execute.

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Updated June 4, 2024
Charles W. Barnes