State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 3, page 28
Dated none

State of N. Carolina
Tyrrel County

I Dempsey S. Godfrey of the County and State aforesaid do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following Viz. First- I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mahala Godfrey & her heirs all the property of every kind which she purchased before I married her also the young stock of every kind which has been raised from the stock which she had when I married her I give unto my wife Mahala whatsoever amount that she shall think to be sufficient to support her family of the corn fodder peas pork bacon and lard that may be on hand at my death the residue if any to be sold by my executor herein after named I also give unto my wife all the coffee sugar & molasses that may be on hand at my death I also give unto my said wife all of my farming untensils of every kind I also give unto my wife one ox & cart if on hand at my death. I also give unto my wife one beauro all the chairs & all the tables also all the spinning stuff crockery ware of every kind & all the pottry-

Item- I give unto my daughter Ann C. Godfrey two hundred dollars to be paid to her by my executor should there not be funds sufficient to pay Ann C. Godfrey two hundred dollars Eliza Godfrey will pay to her seventy five dollars but should there be enough to pay the two hundred dollars then & in that case Eliza Godfrey is to pay the seventy five dollars to Hizekiah, Dempsey & Calob Godfrey it being twenty five dollars each which amount is to come from the hire of Solomon I leave my negro boy Solomon unto my daughter Eliza Godfrey unto her & her heirs lawfully begotton on her body in case she should die without leaving any lawful issue I leave the said negro Solomon to be equally divided among the balance of my children then living I also give unto Eliza Godfrey her bed & firnature her choice the balance of my estate including a Juniper swamp on the South side of Scuppernong River called the long reach swamp to be sold by my executor & the money arising from such sale after paying my debts to be equally divided between my two sons Hezikiah & Caleb I authorise my exer to share or sell any of the notes belonging to my estate to pay off my debts-

I hereby make & ordain Jos. Alexander executor to this my last Will & Testament signed sealed & declaired in the presence of us

D. S. Godfrey (Seal)

B. T. Sikes
Burton Phelps

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.20), Box 20
Godfrey, D. S., 1840

Warrant dated the fourth Monday in October 1840 for Jefferson Swain to be in court on the fourth Monday in January next to satisfy the sum of $25.15 which Hardy N. Spruill, administrator of D. S. Godfrey recovered against him in a suit brought by the said Hardy N. Spruill against said Swain. The judgement includes interest from 22 Nov 1835 and the judgement was made at July Term 1837.

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Updated June 5, 2024
Mike Schoettle