North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.21), Box 21
Godwin, Emily (Milly), 1835

Promissory note dated 24 Nov 1835 wherein Richard A. Meekins & Isaac Meekins will pay John Roads, administrator of Emily Godwin deceased, the sum of $13.35 on order after six months for value received. Witnessed by Jos. Alexander.

Bond dated 26 Jan 1836 in the amount of two hundred dollars appointing Jno. Rhodes administrator of the estate of Milly Godwin deceased, Seth Sanders & William Jones securities.

Account of the estate of Milly Godwin with John Rhodes Senr. at January Term 1840.

Testimony taken in the case of Matthew Brickhouse, guardian, vs. Jno. Rhodes, administrator on 22 Jan 1840:
Testimony from Joanna Swain deposed and saith that Frances Godwin, age between 5 and 6 years was kept by the defendant and that she was a very sickly child and required some attention for one year and after that time she was more healthy. -- That she was without clothes when the defendant took charge of them and that afterward she was completely clothed.
The witness further stated that James Godwin, another child of Emily Godwin aged about 9 years, was kept by the defendant and clothed and that for one or two years he was not able to do but little.
Benj. Brickhouse being sworn says that he was acquainted with James Godwin, son of Milly Godwin; that he was bare of clothes at his mother's death and that Wm. Kemp offered to keep the boy free from expenses.

Summons dated 26 Jul 1841 for Richard A. Meekins & Isaac Meekins to be in court on 31 Jul 1841 to answer to the complaint of Jas. Alexander to the use of James Z. Davenport of debt due by note in the sum of $13.35. Judgement by default was made on 31 Jul 1841 by D. S. Godfrey J. P. for $17.80 including interest and charges. Order 11 Aug 1841 by Samuel Rogers J. P. to levy on the goods & chattels of defendant and for want thereof on the lands & tenements for so much as will satisfy the judgement. Levied on 1 Sep 1841 but was subject to an older levy by Richard Davenport and a further levy was ordered on 25 Oct 1842. All of the chattel property subsequently sold on 27 Oct 1842 was also subject to previous levies and for want of chattel property levies will be made against R. A. Meekins right of land adjoining Saml. McClees on the island and also on his right of swamp at the head of Little Alligator Creek.

Petition January Term 1842 by Leven Godwin who states that his mother, Milly Godwin, died seized and possessed of a tract of land adjoining the lands of Joseph Cooper & Simeon Rhodes and others containing 50 acres and the said Milly Godwin died intestate in 1835 and left as her heirs at law Susan Godwin & Leven Godwin, your petitioner, and also left Ezekiel, Sarah, Emaline (?), James & Francis, infants under the age of twenty years to whom Matthew M. Brickhouse is the guardian. Petitioner states that he has sold and executed a deed for his undivided share of said land to Asa Etheridge and prays an order to divide the said land.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of James Godwin to Millie Roads on 14 Feb 1818, Jno. Roads security; also Ezekiel Godwin to Maranda Combs on 28 Aug 1847, James Brickhouse security; also Levin Godwyn to Elizabeth Brickhouse on 4 Jul 1844, Benjamin Brickhouse security; also Susan Godwin to Charles Davenport on 15 Nov 1847, Saml. Rogers security; also Sarah Godwin to Samuel Weskett on 20 Jul 1845, Wm. C. Snell security; and Emilla Godwin to Samuel Weskett on 7 Aug 1851, James F. Davenport security.

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Updated June 3, 2024
Charles W. Barnes