Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1842

Account of sale of the lands rent belonging to the heirs of James Godwin deceased was returned 1842.

April Session 1842

Ordered that Matthew Brickhouse renew his guardian bond as to the heirs of James Godwin and that he enter into bond of one hundred dollars with Samuel Rogers & Silas Davenport as securities.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.21), Box 21
Goswin, James, 1838

Bond dated 22 Jan 1838 in the amount of five hundred pounds appointing Matthew Brickhouse guardian to Susan, Levin, Ezekiel, Amelia, Sarah, James & Francis orphans of James Godwin, H. G. Spruill & Silas Davenport securities.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in July 1838 and issued 3 Sep 1838 for Jno. Rhodes Senr., Wm. Jarvis (?) & Seth Sevels (?) to appear at the next term to answer unto the state to the use of Matthew Brickhouse guardian to Susan, Levin, Ezekiel, Sarah, Amelia, James & Francis Godwin of a plea that he render unto him the sum of two hundred dollars which he has not delivered, to his damage fifty dollars.

Bond dated 26 Oct 1842 in the amount of five hundred dollars appointing Matthew Brickhouse guardian to Ezekiel, Sarah, Emily, James & Frances Godwin orphans of James Godwin deceased, Saml. Rogers & Silas Davenport securities.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of James Godwin to Millie Roads on 14 Feb 1818, Jno. Roads security; also Leven Godwyn to Elizabeth Brickhouse on 4 Jul 1844, Benjamin Brickhouse security; also Ezekiel Godwin to Maranda Combs on 28 Aug 1847, James Brickhouse security; also Susan Godwin to Charles Davenport on 15 Nov 1847, Saml. Rogers security; also Sarah Godwin to Samuel Weskett on 20n Jul 1845, Wm. C. Snell security; also Emilla Godwin to Samuel Weskett on 7 Aug 1851, James F. Davenport security.

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Updated April 4, 2021
Charles W. Barnes