North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.21), Box 21
Godwin, John, 1835

Bond dated 28 Jul 1835 in the amount of two hundred dollars appointing Thomas H. Alexander administrator of the estate of Jno. Gibson deceased, George H. Alexander & Jos. Alexander securities.

Petition July Term 1835 of Thomas Alexander who was appointed administrator of the estate of John Gibson at the current term, being senior creditor. There is not sufficient personal property to satisfy the claim due him and therefore prays process against the heirs at law to show cause why his claim should not be satisfied out of the lands that descended.

Court order the fourth Monday in July 1835 based on the petition of Thomas H. Alexander at this term. The sheriff is to summon Jos. Halsey guardian ad litem of Selby, Rachel, William, Jno. & Charlotte Godwin to appear in court on the fourth Monday in October next to show cause, if any, why judgement should not be made against the lands of which died seized and possessed.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of John Gibson to Mary Liverman on 1 Mar 1817, Benjn. Wynne security.

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Updated June 4, 2024
Charles W. Barnes