North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.20), Box 20
Giles, Jesse, 1840

Bond dated 27 Jul 1840 in the amout of fifteen hundred dollars appointing Ira E. Norman administrator of the estate of Jesse Giles deceased, Silas Davenport & Jos. F. Davenport securities.

Petition July Term 1840 of Fanny Giles widow of Jesse Giles deceased to have her year's allowance layed off out of her husband's personal estate.

Court order October Term 1840 for Jos. A. Spruill, M. Owens & Tully Spruill to lay off to Fanny Giles her year's allowance.

Laying off of the year's allowance of the widow of Jesse Giles on 21 Nov 1841.

Petition February Term 1840 of Ira E. Norman who has administered upon the estate of Jesse Giles deceased as a creditor. He states that the estate is insufficient in its personalty to pay its debts but there are lands that descended to the heirs at law of said Giles, out of which he is entitled to recover his debt due by part and amounting to $7.05. The names of said heirs are John, Nancy & George, to whom he prays process may issue.

Answer at January Term 1843 of John Giles, Nancy Giles & George Giles to the petition of Ira E. Norman by their guardian, Joseph Alexander. They say they know of no claim which petitioner has as he alleges unsatisfied by the personal assets of his intestate or that he has any demand whatever against the estate. To the contrary they are informed and charge the truth so to be that there has or ought to have come to the hands of petitioner a sufficient amount to have paid his alleged claim if due as charged viz. the sum of about eighteen or twenty dollars or thereabouts due his intestate by the executrix of the will of William Spruill deceased of which petitioner was well aware & which they are ready to prove but which he has failed to collect, and which if lost to the estate of his intestate is so lost by the neglect of the petitioner to demand and sue for the same. Therefore they ought not have judgement against them on the estate descended to them and they pray petition to be dismissed.

Execution dated the fourth Monday in April 1843 and issued 15 May 1843 against the lands & tenements of Jesse Giles for $7.05 with interest from 1 Jan 1842 which Ira E. Norman administrator of Jesse Giles lately recovered against him and also the sum of $12.00 for the costs and charges expended. Satisfied by sale of 3 1/2 acres of land on 25 Jul 1843.

Note from I. E. Norman to John McClees on 25 Jul 1843 requesting he pay the money that is coming to him on Jesse Giles claim to [?].

Bond dated 23 Oct 1848 in the amount of four hundred dollars appointing Enoch Ansley guardian to George Giles, Caleb Phelps & John Alexander securities.

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Updated June 6, 2024
Charles W. Barnes