North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 1, page 30
Dated 22 November 1762

In the name of God amen: I Henry Gray of the County of Tyrrel in the Province of North Carolina being sick and weak in body but of sound and disposing memory thanks be to the Allmighty do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in writing in manner and form following first I recommend my soul to God my Maker and my body to be buried in a Christain like decent manner at the duretion of my Executors and as for such wordly goods as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following Viz:

First - I give and bequeath to my son Henry Gray my plantation and tract of land wheron I now live to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Godfree Gray my plantation and land called Stubbs Hall to him and his heirs forever and all my stock of hogs and one mare and colt except the hogs that is killed this year for the famalys use.

Item - I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Wiley one ewe lamb.

Item - I give unto my daughter Hannah Snell one cow and calf.

Item - I give to my daughter Mary one horse colt.

Item - I give and bequeath to my eight children Henry Godree Gray Mary Sarah Ann Lidia Letice & Frances all the residue and remainder of my whole Estate of what nature or kind soever to be equally divided amoung them and I do hereby nomenate and appoint my two sons Henry and Godfree Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoaking and disannulling all former and other Wills by me made in testimony whereof I the said Henry Gray have signed sealed and published this as my last Will and Testament. This 22d day of November Ammo Dom. 1762

Henry (his -x- mark) Gray

Signed sealed and published
in the presence of

Jacob Blount
Thomas Leary
Nicholas (his -x- mark) Gibbert

Recorded by Fr. Ward Clerk

Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

March Session 1763

Personally appeared Capn. Jacob Blount and on his oath proved the last will and testament of Henry Gray & saith he was of sound mind & memory & that he saw Thomas Leary the other subscribing witness sign at the same time.

Personally appeared Henry Gray and Godfree Gray executors of Henry Gray deceased and qualified by taking the oath as by law direted.

On motion of Henry Gray for a division of the estate of Henry Gray deceased ordered that Thomas Leary Stevens Lee Esqr. and Capn. Jacob Blount divide the same and to make the return of their proceedings to the next court.

June Session 1763

On motion of Henry Gray for sales of the perishable estate of Henry Gray deceased ordered granted & to make returns to the next court.

Stevens Lee Esqr. exhibited the devision of the estate of Henry Gray deceased ordered filed.

December Session 1763

Henry Gray exhibited an acct. of sales of the estate of Henry Gray deceased & proved the same on his oath ordered filed.

March Session 1764

Personally appeared Lettice Gray orphan of Henry Gray and on her own free will chose John Learey Junr. guardain of her person and estate on giving security in the sum of one hundred pound proclamation money which is given by John Learey Senr., Thomas Wiley.

March Session 1765

Personally appeared Francis Gray orphan of Henry Gray deceased and on his own free will and consent chose Capt. Jacob Blount guardain of his person and estate and enters Collo. William Mackey & Giles Long securities in the sum of two hundred pounds proc. money.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.21), Box 21
Gray, Henry, 1763

Account of sales at public vendue of part of the estate of Henry Gray deceased on 20 Sep 1763 by Henry Gray. Purchasers were Joshus Worley, Stevens Lee, William Currell & John Mariner.

Bond dated 23 Mar 1764 in the amount of one hundred pounds appointing John Leary Junr. guardian of Lettice Gray orphan of Henry Gray deceased, John Leary & Thomas Wiley securities.

Bond dated 20 Jun 1765 in the amount of two hundred pounds appointing Jacob Blount guardian of Frances Gray orphan of Henry Gray, Colo. William Mackey & Giles Long Esq. securities.

Return to Tyrrell Co Wills Introduction & Table of Contents

Updated June 3, 2024
Gordon L. Basnight