State of North Carolina
Tyrrell County
Book 2 Page 129
Dated 12 September 1832

Know all men by these presents, that I Eliza Hooker of the County and State aforesaid being of sound and disposing mind, do constitute this my last will and testament. -

Item 1st - I give and devise to my daughter Amelia Ann Spruill one negro woman named Nancy to her and her heirs forever ---

2nd - I give to my daughter Mary Haughton one negro man Aaron to her and her heirs forever ---

3rd Item - {Missing between pages 129 and 130}

4th - I give to my grand son Jno. H. Haughton negro boy George one bead and furniture to him and his heirs forever ---

5th - I give to my grand son Lawrence James Haughton one negro boy Loveless and one bead and furniture to him and his heirs forever ---

6th - I give to my son Seridan McCray one negro girl named Lavinia to him and his heirs forever ---

7th - I give to my grand son Jno. Wesly Potts Hooker, one negro girl Hasten to him and his heirs forever ---

8th - I give to my grand son Joseph Christopher Hooker one negro boy Tom to him and his heirs forever ---

9th - I give and devise to Jno. Wesly Potts Hooker and Joseph Christopher Hooker children of my son James all the land of which I may die possessed, to be equally divided between the two - I also give and devise to the children of my son James negroes Venus, Jim, Rachel and Titus to them and their heirs forever ---

It is further my will and desire that my son James and his wife Sally B. Hooker have the use of the above land and negroes last mentioned during their respective lives, but it is my express will and desire, that the use and enjoyment of this property by my son James and his wife Sally B. Hooker shall not be in any way liable or subject to be sold by him or any other person for any debt or debts which he may now owe or hereafter owe, no shall said property or the use thereof be liable under any execution which may at any time issue against my said son James - And I do hereby give to my executors hereafter named a controuling influence and power over said property to carry into effect my intention & desire as expressed. -- I further give to my son James all the stock of provisions that may be on hand at my decase such as corn, fodder, bacon & c. ---

My will and desire is that all the remainder of my property shall be equally divided between my Mary Haughton and my grandson Sheridan McCray and my son James Hooker's children. Mary Haughton to have one third part, Seridan McCray to another third part and James Hookers children the remainder.

I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friends Ebenezer Pettigrew and William C. Warren my executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this the 12 day of Sept. 1832.

Eliza Hooker (Seal)

Signd, Seald and declard
in the presence of

D. W. Bateman
E. Pettigrew

Acknowled by Mrs. Eliza Hooker to be her name & that this instrument is her last will and testament July 30 - 1833.

County Court
Oct. Term 1836

Jno. Haughton came into open court and produced a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Eliza Hooker decd. & the same being opposed by William Spruill one of the heirs at law and distributors in right of his wife the daughter of the alleged testator; The same was proved by one of the subscribing witness Viz: Daniel N. Bateman and was admitted to probate as a will passing real and personal property and Ebenezer Pettigrew and William C. Warren the executors named having renounced it ordered that administration with the will annexed be granted to Jno. Haughton he entering into bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars & ordered said will to be registered. ---

Test Jos. Halsy Clk.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.23), Box 23
Hooker, Elizabeth, 1836

Bond dated 25 Oct 1836 in the amount of twenty thousand dollars appointing John Haughton administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Hooker deceased, Dempsey Spruill & Daniel N. Bateman securities.

Division of the negroes of Elizabeth Hooker deceased on 10 Nov 1836 according to her last will and testament between the heirs devised to in said will viz. Mary Haughton, Sheridan McCrae and the children of Jas. Hooker, namely John W. P. Hooker & Joseph C. Hooker, by Henry Alexander, Silas Davenport, Nathan Alexander & Daniel N. Bateman. Slaves to be distributed are Bob, Sandy, Jack, Peter, Dave, Edy and child Mack, Maria, Henry, Cynthia, Detsy & Eunice.
Mary Haughton drew lot 3 including Peter ($1000), Edy & child Mack ($700), Bob ($500) and Maria ($200) for a total of $2400 in value.
Sheridan McCrae drew lot 1 including Dave ($1000), Ditsy ($800) & Sandy ($600) for a total of $2400 in value.
Jno. & Jos. Hooker drew lot 2 including Jack ($1000), Eunice ($750), Henry ($400) & Cynthia ($300) for a total of $2450 in value.
Lot 2 pays $16.66 2/3 to lot 1 and lot 3.

Bond dated 22 Oct 1838 in the amount of one thousand dollars by Sheridan McCray with William Spruill security. Jno. Haughton, administrator of Elizabeth Hooker deceased, has delivered to Sheridan McCray under the will of said Elizabeth Hooker his full distributive share of the estate of Elizabeth Hooker including negro Dave valued at $700, woman Ditsy valued at $500, man Sandy valued at $600 and girl Venus valued at $500. The condition of the bond is that if Sheridan McCray pays his ratable share of any new debts or claims that arise against the estate the bond is null and void, otherwise in full effect.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of John Haughton to Mary R. Hooker on 28 May 1809, James Wood security; also Amelia Ann Hooker to John McCrae on 8 Mar 1807; also Amelia Ann McCray to William Spruill on 10 Nov 1829, Uzziah Spruill security.

Eliza Hooker was the wife of Nathan Hooker who died leaving a will in 1801. Many of the slaves left in the will of her husband appear in her will.

See the 1835 estate file of James R. Hooker, Eliza;s son.

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Updated June 7, 2024
Jean H. Pennell