North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.23), Box 23
Hooker, James R., 1835

Writ dated the fourth Monday in July 1833 and issued 25 Jul 1833 for the Sheriff to have Jas. R. Hooker at court on the fourth Monday in October next to answer unto William Spruill Senr. of a plea that he render and pay him $150 which he owes and unjustly detains to his damage $100.

Appearance bond dated 20 Sep 1833 binding J. R. Hooker in the amount of three hundred dollars to appear in court as directed in the writ above.

Bond dated 21 Jul 1834 in the amount of one hundred dollars wherein William Spruill and his securities Joseph Wynne & Daniel N. Bateman are bound to James R. Hooker to prosecute at the Superior Court his appeal of a judgement rendered against him at the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held on the fourth Monday in July 1834.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in July 1834 and issued 30 Jul 1834 for John B. Beasley to appear before the Judge of the Superior Court on the first Monday in September next to testify on behalf of William Spruill in a case in which William Spruill is plaintiff and James R. Hooker is defendant.

Court order in January Term 1835 for D. S. Godfrey, D. M. Sargent, Thos Spruill & Silas Davenport to lay off to Sarah B. Hooker, widow of Jas. R. Hooker her year's allowance out of the estate of her deceased husband.

Laying off of the year's allowance of Sarah B. Hooker out of the estate of her deceased husband, Jas. R. Hooker on 21 Apr 1835.

Writ directed to the Sheriff of Tyrrell County dated the first Monday in September 1835 and issued 2 Jan 1836. Whereas William Spruill brought up his suit vs. James R. Hooker from the County Court of Tyrrell to our Superior Court nof Law September Term 1834 and at March Term 1835 the death of the defendant James R. Hooker was suggested and at September Term 1835 sci fa ordered that sci fa issue to the representatives of James R. Hooker.
you are therefore hereby commanded to make the same known to the representatives of James R. Hooker and them summon to personally be and appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law to be held for the County of Tyrrell at the court house in Columbia on the first Monday in March next and cause themselves or self to be made parties to defend said suit. Sheriff says no representative to be found on rear of writ.

Transcriber's Notes:

See the 1832 will of Eliza Hooker. She appears to be the mother of James R. Hooker.

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Updated June 13, 2024
Charles W. Barnes