Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

July Session 1789

Ordered that John Hamilton have leave of administration on the estate of Stewart Hamilton deceased and give bond in 300 pounds Edmund Blount Junr. & Thomas Harrison son of John securities and qualifyed.

October Session 1789

John Hamilton administrator of Stewart Hamilton deceased returns into court on oath an inventory of the estate of the said deceased ordered filed.

April Session 1790

Edmund Blount Esqr. Sheriff exhibits into court an account of sales of the estate of Stewart Hamilton deceased to amount of 84 pounds, 7 shillings & 9 pence.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.21), Box 21
Hamilton, Stewart, 1789

Bond dated 9 Jul 1789 in the amount of three hundred pounds appointing John Hamilton administrator of the estate of Stewart Hamilton deceased, Edmund Blount Junr. & Thomas Harrison son of Jno. securities.

Summons dated 9 Jul 1989 and issued 23 Jul 1789 for John Hamilton administrator of Stewart Hamilton deceased to be in court on the first Monday in October next to show cause, if any, why judgement in a suit brought by Dempsey Sexton against Stewart Hamilton, now deceased, should not be brought against the estate.

Sunpoena dated 7 Jan 1790 and issued 5 Feb 1790 for John Hamilton administrator of Stewart Hamilton deceased to be in court on the first Monday in April next and pay the sum of 4 pounds, 12 shillings & 9 pence to satisfy the officers of the court and which was lately judged against him for costs and charges in a suit brought by Dempsey Sexton against Stewart Hamilton and in which John Hamilton administrator of Stewart Hamilton deceased was convicted and liable.

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Updated June 10, 2024
Charles W. Barnes