North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.23), Box 23
Hines, Peter, 1814

Summons directed to the Sheriff of Edgecombe County dated the sixth Monday after the fourth of September in 1813 and issued 23 Feb 1814 for Richard Hines & Peter Evans, executors of Peter Hines deceased to appear before the Judge of the Sperior Court of Tyrrell County on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next to answer unto Frederick Davenport in a plea of covenant to his damage eight hundred pounds.

Summons dated the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday in Sptember 1814 for William Arnold & Zebulon Tarkenton to immediately appear before the Judge of the Superior Court of Law and testify on behalf of Hines executors in a matter wherein Frederick Davenport is plaintiff and Hines executor is defendant.

There are several more summons in this file relating to the above case stretching into 1815 that reveal no further information of significance.

Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated June 9, 2024
Charles W. Barnes