Tyrrell County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

January Session 1829

Ordered that Burton Hathaway guardian to some of the children of Wolsey Hathaway be cited to appear at the next term of this court to enter into bond or be removed.

April Session 1829

Ordered that Jos. Halsey Clk. receive the estate of Woolsey Joseph, William & Benjamin Hathaway orphans of Woolsey Hathaway deceased from Burton Hathaway former guardian & settle the same in full with said Hathaway.

January Session 1831

Jos. Halsey returned into court the account of hire of the negroes belonging to Jos. & Benj. Hathaway for 1831.

North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.22), Box 22
Hathaway, Woolsey, 1821

Bond dated 17 Jan 1814 in the amount of two hundred and fifty pounds appointing Leonard Martin Esq. guardian to Woolset Hathaway Junr. & Joseph Hathaway, sons of Woolsey Hathaway Senr., James Wood & Daniel Bateman securities.

Superior Court of Law, November Term 1815. John Den complains of Richard Fen in custody, etc. for this cause, to wit for that Woolsey Hathaway by his guardian Woolsey Hathaway on 10 Jul 1815 in Tyrrell County demised, granted and to farm let to the said John Den, a certain tract or parcel of land, butted and bounded as follows, viz. beginning at a pine Isaac Alexander's corner tree on the Gum Branch running south along his line to a pine a corber tree on the Little Savannah thence along a line of marked trees to the swamp a corner tree thence along the swamp to the first station known by the name of Batsings (?) Field containing seventy five acres, the half out of the deed that Joseph Voloway gave Nathan Voloway & Joshua Voloway with the appurtenances, to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and appurtenances to the said John Den and his assigns from the said 10th day of July in the said year to the fulol end and term of seven years thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended, by virtue of which demise the said John entered into the said premises and was thereof possessed; and the said John being so possessed thereof, the said Richard afterwards, that is to say, on the 10th day of the same month of July in the same year with force and arms entered into the said tract or parcel of land and appurtenances which the said Woolsey Hathaway by his guardian Woolsey Hathaway had demised in form aforesaid, for the term aforesaid, which is not yet expired. and ejected the said John out of his said farm and other wrongs to him did, to the great damage of the said John, and against the peace and dignity of the sais State; whereby the said John saith that he is injured and damaged to the value of twenty pounds, and therefore he brings suit, etc. John Doe & Richard Roe Pledges to Procesute.
Mr. Henry Gibson I am informed that you are in possession of or claim title to the premises mentioned in the above declaration of ejectment, or to some part thereof; and I being sued in this action as a casual ejector, and having no claim or title to the same, do advise you to appear by some attorney, at the next term of the Superior Court of Law, to be held at Columbia for the county of Tyrrell on the sixth Monday after the fourth Monday of September next, and then and there cause yourself to be made defandant in my stead; otherwise I will suffer judgement to be entered against me and you will be turned out of possession. Your loving friend, Richard Fen.

Judgement dated 5 May 1817 and issued 5 Aug 1817 against the goods and chattles, land and tenements of John Den Woolsey Hathaway by his guardian Woolsey Hathaway for the sum of seven pounds, nine shillings which lately Richard Fen recovered against him in Superior Court for costs and charges of a suit brought against him wherein the said Woolsey Hathaway guardian of Woolsey Hathaway is convicted.

Summons dated the first Monday of September 1820 and issued 24 Jan 1821 for Mary Wood, executrix of Woolsey Hathaway deceased to appear in court on the first Monday in March next to answer unto William Garret in a plea of trespass on the case with damage 500 pounds.

Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Term 1826. John Den complains of Richd. Fen in custody etc. for this cause to wit: for that whereas Woolsey Hathaway Junr. by his guardian Burton Hathaway on the 25 day od Decr. in the year 1826 at Tyrrell County aforesaid, had demised, granted and to farm let to the said John Den a certain tract or parcel of land, situate and lying in the county aforesaid, and bounded by the lands of Nathan Spruill's heirs on the west by the heirs of Thomas Blount on the north by the heirs of Benjamin Spruill on the east and by Abel Cahoon and the heirs of Isaac Davenport on the south containing two hundred acres more or less to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and appurtenances to the said John Den and his assigns from the said 25th day of Decr. in the said year to the full end and term of seven years, next then ensuing and fully to be completed and ended, by virtue of which demise the said John entered into the said premises and was thereof possessed, and the said John being so possessed thereof, the said Richard afterwards, that is to say, on the 2nd day of Jany. in the year 1827 with force and arms entered into the said tract or parcel of land and appurtenances which the said Burton Hathaway guardn. etc. had demised in form aforesaid, for the term aforesaid, which is not yet expired; and ejected the said John out of his said farm and other wrongs to him did, to the great damage of the said John and against the peace and dignity of the state whereby the said John saith that he is injured and damaged to the value od twenty pounds and therefore he bbrings suit. John Doe, Richd. Roe Pledges to Prosecute.

Summons dated the fourth Monday of January 1829 for Burton Hathaway, appointed guardian to the children of Woolsey Hathaway at April Term 1826 and having given an imperfect bond, to appear at court on the fourth Monday in April next and give another guardian bond or the court will appoint another guardian to the children.

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Updated May 8, 2024
Charles W. Barnes