North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.22), Box 22
Hathaway, Burton, 1835

Note dated 26 Oct 1835 in which Pathena Hathaway, widow of Burton Hathaway, relinquishes her right of administration on the estate of her deceased husband to Wm. D. Rascoe and requests that he shall administer.

Bond dated 26 Oct 1835 in the amount of one thousand dollars appointing Wm. D. Rascoe administrator of the estate of Burton Hathaway deceased, Samuel T. Sawyer & Wm. M. Nider (?).

Petition at term on the 4th Monday in October 1835 by Parthenia Hathaway, widow of Burton Hathaway deceased, stating that her husband died on or about 25 August last without making any provision for your petitioner. He died possessed of a personal estate and administration upon it was granted at this term to William D. Rascoe who hath duly qualified. Petitioner prays an order directing that a year's provision may be allotted and set apart for petitioner and her family.

Laying off of a year's provision on 19 Nov 1835 to the widow of Burton Hathaway deceased by Henry Alexander, Silas Davenport, Samuel Rogers & Dempsy S. Godfrey.

Transcriber's Notes:

Tyrrell County marriage bonds show the marriage of Perthena Hathaway to Jno. Spruill on 5 Sep 1837, Samuel Rogers security.

The 1850 census of Tyrrell County shows the household of John F. Spruill (47) with Perthena Spruill (52), Wilson Spruill (11), Matilda Alexander (40), Martha Swain (25) and Sarah E. Swain (1).

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Updated June 8, 2024
Charles W. Barnes