North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.22), Box 22
Hathaway, John R., 1835

Promissory note dated 19 Aug 1833 at Edenton wherein John R. Hathaway agrees to pay $124.23 on order to William D. Rascoe for value received in settlement this day. Rear of the note says $50 received 6 Mar 1834 and $15 received 29 Sep 1834.

Promissory note dated 18 Jan 1832 at Edenton wherein John R. Hathaway agrees to pay on order the first of June to Charles Fowler for value received.

Bond dated 28 Jul 1835 in the amount of six hundred dollars appointing William Hathaway administrator of the estate of John R. Hathaway deceased, Dempsey S. Godfrey & Burton Hathaway securities.

Summons dated the fourth Monday in July 1835 for William B. Hathaway, administrator of the estate of John R. Hathaway, to appear in court on the fourth Monday in October next and answer to a plea of William D. Rascoe that he render unto him the sum of $124 and the further sum of $18 which the said William unlawfully detains from him to his damage $50.

Warrant dated the 4th Monday in October 1835 for Wm. R. Hathaway & Jos. Halsey, guardian ad litem to James, Jordan, Jacob & Martha Hathaway, to be in court on the 4th Monday in January next to show cause, if any, why judgement and cost should not be levied against the land of John R. Hathaway A judgement of $41.83 and $6.10 in costs was obtained by William D. Rascoe at October Term 1835 against Wm. Hathaway, administrator of John R. Hathaway, and there was not sufficient goods & chattels to satisfy the judgement.

Warrant dated the 4th Monday in October 1835 and issued 11 Nov 1835 for Wm. D. Rascoe & wife Joice E. Rascoe, Geo. L. Hathaway & Burton W. Hathaway to be in court on the 4th Monday in January next to show cause, if any, why judgement and cost should not be levied against the land of John R. Hathaway A judgement of $41.83 and $6.10 in costs was obtained by William D. Rascoe at October Term 1835 against Wm. Hathaway, administrator of John R. Hathaway, and there was not sufficient goods & chattels to satisfy the judgement.

Warrant dated the fourth Monday in July 1836 for John I. Spruill & Amon Sexton to be at court on the fourth Monday in October next and satisfy the sum of $5.21 which Jno. R. Hathaway administrator lately recovered of them in a suit Hathaway against Spruill & Sexton for $3.80 in interest from 1 Dec 1832 and $2.35 in costs & charges. Debt credited $1.60 on 16 Jun 1834.

Transcriber's Notes:

Chowan County marriage bonds show the marriage of William D. Rascoe to Joyce Hathaway on 13 Nov 1821.

The two warrants above for the heirs of John R. Hathaway to show cause why his land should not be sold to satisfy a judgement create a question. One is apparently directed to his siblings and one directed to his children. Which is valid? I think the one with the issue date, but both show relationships.

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Updated August 17, 2024
Charles W. Barnes